Lets see things I like hmm..Green Tea!, Hanging out with friends, Listening to music(I'd die without it), My pet ferrets, I LOVE laffy taffy, Chai Tea, Weight-lifting, Text Messeging, Playing my PS2 (even tho I don't have alot of games for it), Sleeping in whenever I can, Energy Drinks, and I guess thats it. Things I dont like are, Cocky people, mean jerks, people that are mean to animals, country music, School, Liars, So called friends that never talk to you, expect things to be perfectly fine way after, a nice word for that is STUPID!! Materialistic girls, sluts, people that talk crap behind your back, people that wont accept who you for who you are.
How Gamekiller proof
are you? Quiz
It looks like you have the tools to withstand all major Gamekiller threats. More often than not, you fend them off naturally and get the girl. But dont let this get to your head youre still pretty weak. You let your guard down too much, letting The Gamekillers get the best of you. Take this lesson to heart: when youre macking on a girl, dont worry about those fools lurking next to you. Keep your eye on the prize and focus on the girl. Once you get a lock on your cool in any situation, youll be throwing game like you invented the game. Youre almost there
here to take this quiz!
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Alt Rock. Actually all kinds, Except country!
Death Becomes Her (Old but a very funny movie), I Robot , Matrix 1, 2 and 3, Underworld 1 and 2, Blade Trinity, Daredevil, Spider-man, The Hulk, James Bond (all movies) Shrek 1 and 2.
Mad TV, Family Guy, WWE ,TNA, UFC, Futurama, History Channel, Sci Fi every now and then.
Do muscle mags count as books? If not then I really don't read.