I've basically have already meet the person who this is talking about but yea...His name is...JP and he is mine ALL MINE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Someone who would tell me how they admire me. Who would always tell me at all times. Someone who would hold me tight when im upset. Someone who would pick me over all the other girls who they hang out with. Someone who would pick me up and tickle me and wrestle with me. Someone to talk to. Someone who can tell me jokes and make me laugh. Someone who would bring me flowers just because. Someone who would hold my hand and run. Someone who would just hold my hand. Someone who would throw pebbles at my window at night. Someone who would let me fall asleep in there arms. Someone who would sing to me no matter how awful they sound. Someone to get me mad at and then kiss me to say there sorry. Someone who would give me piggy bak rides. Someone who would push me on swings. Someone who could tell me i look beautiful. Someone who, when I'm sad, would stay on the phone with me even if I'm not saying anything. Someone who could look into my eyes and smile. Someone who would kiss me on my forehead. Someone to slowdance with even when there is no music. Someone who would kiss me in the rain. And if that someone should fall in love with me... ........................TELL ME....................... So I guess who I want to meet is that someone who I could and would be in love with and them the same towards me......... Myspace Layout Stealer Pimp Myspace
Just listen to the damn playlist....
Dude this guy kicks ass...Now this is my hero...