LA OTRA en todos lados. incessant writing. chillin' with the javi. penguin shuffle. stencil graff. apricot scrub. books for prisoners. flax seed. pup tents. justicia social. humanity against milk. bike rides. making shit. doing shit. hugs. besitos. night time bettah than sun. scholars. pirateria. lounging. aminals. literatura. dissent. drinking things. tireless inquiry. hot food. food in general. gardening. aimless walks. loaded talk. simple. no socks. geetar/my stolen bass (q en paz descanze),sleep and let sleep. indeed.
solo a Ella.
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mama, papa, mis herman@s, radical womyn, political prisoners, cute-creature alliance, ALL ladymen (SK!), greeners for christ, ginsberg, holden caufield, qui Gonn jinn, bukowski, bleh.