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Reggie Williams

About Me

Minister Reggie believes that holiness is the way to live and he lives by his favorite Scripture, Psalms 105:4 "Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His presence continually!" God has chosen Minster Reggie, not to entertain the church, but to lead people to New Dimensions of Worship, so that their expectation of God might increase. Minster Reggie Williams a preacher psalmist for the Kingdom who has a heart for God’s people and considers it an honor to lead people in Worship and if you every Heard him Lead Worship you will know that the atomsphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles to take place. Minister Reggie contributes his succes to being faithful as the Head Worship leader for over 15 years to God and his pastors Apostle Lennell and Evangleist Carol Caldwell. Minister Reggie is preparing for his First Album recording OCT 11 2008 you don’t want to miss it . More information will be provided and music will be posted on this Site Soon....
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Member Since: 2/16/2008
Band Website: [email protected]
Influences: My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, My Pastor Apostle Lennell Caldwell, Pastor Creflo Dollar,Marvin Winans, Pastor William Murphy III, Isreal Houghton, John Stockstill, Joe Smith, Min Pride Rocks, Byron Cage, D Haddon, Marcus Abernathy.This is Just to name a few will add More later ..... To be continued
Sounds Like: Reggie Williams
Record Label: Unsigned

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