Diafullah The Butcher profile picture

Diafullah The Butcher

I am here for Networking

About Me

NAME: Diafullah Dobashi (Founder & Leader of the A.rab W.orld. O.rder)
Happily married to a Yemenian Princes, a precious stepdaughter and a son a future pro wrestling legend.... Essa " The Pro Wrestling Messiah "
Official web site www.aWo4life.com
HEIGHT: 5ft. 11in. WEIGHT: 235lbs.
FROM: Yemen, RESIDING: in Tacoma, Washington USA & REPRESENTING: The Arab World Order
TRAINED BY: Johnny Graham ( @ the Dungun on Hosmer Street, Tacoma,WA )Learned his sadistic style from Abdullah The Butcher. WRESTLING STYLE: Old School (Catch As Catch Can), Lucha & Hard Core, I can adapt to any wrestling style.
FAVORATE MOVE: The Mistic Fire Ball, The Arab Leglock , My Fork and any other move that hurts.
Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate by Senae Steve Armstrong. Started Pro Wrestling in 1991
In 1991, I was just one of those "Smart Marks." I had to learn the hard way like everyone else. I paid my dues and lived through the bumps and the bruises. I will save the rest for my book. My trainer Luscious Johnny Graham took me under his wing OLD SCHOOL style. " I Respect OLD SCHOOL ." My first match was a tag match at Johnny Graham’s post production party. Johnny had just finished filming "The Manhandler." It was TEX & I vs. Johnny Graham and Kenny Roberts. We lost, Tex got pinned, Tex and I had a fallen out so…….
Later that day, I had a grudge match vs. my tag partner TEX where I scored my first victory. I also wrestled that day in the battle royal. This was the start of Wrestling back in Washington since the Don Owens days. So with Johnny Grahams help and my parents supports, I started promoting Aug. 7, 1992 at the Big Brothers and Sisters Bingo Hall in Tacoma, WA, the first matches under my promotion the UIW. On the card was Luscious Johnny Graham, Rick Lee, B.A. Rodgers, Little Leona, Tommy Justice, Michelle Starr, Playboy Buddy Rose, Billy Two Eagles, Ed Moondog Moretti, Little Nasty Boy and the worlds most dangerous ring announcer Jeff Johnson.
This SPARKED Washington State Wrestling once again. After we ran for a while other organizations tried to run in Washington. During that same time, I had a radio Wrestling Talk Show. It was called Ring Side Ticket. With the tradition after the show Johnny and I would eat brunch at Old Country Buffet. A few years later I hooked up with my childhood hero Abdullah The Butcher on a wrestling card in MI. We hit it off, Abdullah loved my wrestling style, took me under his wing, and showed me the way of the art of being sadistic and passed his Butcher name to me. From that day on I became The BUTCHER , Diafullah The Butcher.Arab World Order is a group I started of Arab wrestlers that would band together as a family to rule the wrestling world!! We are always recruiting to expand our A.W.O. family.

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is brave enough to compete with me in the ring, especially those Luchadors. So I can show them why they call me the BUTCHER.

Iron Sheik on Killers of Comedy, Warrior return & NWA pt.1

Iron Sheik on Killers of Comedy, Warrior return & NWA pt.2

My Blog

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