WHY I SING - By Triniti - I sing because I love the Lord so much and I want to show Him by using the talent he gave me to show the world there is a God and He loves us all so much. I don’t want to be undercover. Jesus loves me openly and I want to praise Him openly. If I lift Him up He draws the people. One of my goals was to make this CD. The reason why is because I wanted kids to have meaning-ful songs to dance to & praise God for His Glory. If God can give me music to dance to and sing, He will do the same for them God’s music is Cool.HOW I KNOW THAT GOD IS REAL - By Destini - I know God is real. He gives me the music and the words to the songs I write, (Live A Life Of Love, Tell the Truth & Power). He just puts them in my head. I also know God is real and I know it is GOD who has kept me safe. When I was 3 years old, I was jumping on a trampoline in my uncle’s back yard and I thought I saw another trampoline. So I jumped on it, but it was a thin cover over his Jacuzzi. I sank 3 times then God taught me how to swim and how to get out of there alive. One time I was trying to turn off a night light with wet hands and I got shocked really bad all the lights in the house went off. I could have died but GOD saved me. I love the Lord & I Love to praise Him & thank Him for keeping me safe.
Power Agents Triniti & Destini - Full Armor of God