.....................music....movies....having fun....knowledge....and sleeping!......................Damn them, who before us have said what we wanted to say!---
One who sleeps doesn't sin.---
Why are you laughing? Change the name and the story is about you.---
True joy is a serious thing.---
There's nothing like change!---
The play is over, applaud!---
Art is long, life is short.---
seize the day;do not expect anything from tomorrow!---
The more corrupt the state is, the more numerous are the laws.---
One who is allowed to sin, sins less.---
I have lost a day!---
When you believe you are excusing yourself, you are accusing yourself.---
As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.---
There is a kind of pleasure in crying.---
It is easier to do many things than to do one for a long time.---
Done is done, it cannot be made undone.---
One should also learn from one's enemy.---
In these days friends are won through flattery, the truth gives birth to hate.---
Anger is a brief insanity.---
I need a book.---
Great is the power of truth that can easily defend itself with its own force.---
Necessity is the mother of invention.---
My conscience means more to me than all speech.---
Physician, heal thyself!---
A liar needs a good memory.---
It is your business when your neighbour's house is on fire.---
Nothing is more insufferable than a successful fool.---
Nobody is laughed at, who laughs at himself.---
Almost nobody dances sober, unless he happens to be insane.---
It is pleasant to do nothing.---
To admire nothing.---
Don't touch me!---
I do not like you,but I can't say why:
I can only say this, I do not like you.---
It is not the man who has little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.---
I do not live to eat, but eat to live.---
Know thyself.---
Nothing is so expensive as that which you have bought with pleas.---
You smile at your tears but have them in your heart.---
There has never been a great spirit without a touch of insanity.---
I hate and I love. Perhaps you ask me why.
I don't know. But I feel, tormented, that it is so.---
I loathe the uneducated mass and keep them away from me.---
All that is mine, I carry with me.---
Anyone interesting... aim sn: scorpiogirl613
rhcp,incubus,black eyed peas,the killers, jack johnson,sublime,rancid, my chemical romance,chevelle,outcast,foo fighters,the beatles,311, operation ivy,beck,coldplay,led zeppelin,shakira,fiona apple,jimi hendrix,missy elliot, linkin park,AFI,hot hot heat,nelly furtado,the doors,john legend,no doubt,lenny kravitz,less than jake,suicide machines,janis joplin,prince,mj,alanismorrisette,N.E.R.D.,aerosmith,pharell ,U2,weezer,blondie,nirvana,the police,cyndi lauper,john mayer,like 2000 other people but u get the idea....
garden state,edward scissorhands,mean girls,white chicks,napoleon dynamite,just like heaven,the notebook,clueless,alice in wonderland,fight club,willy wonka (old version),amelie,harold and maude,vanilla sky,fifth element,forrest gump,dazed and confused,moulin rouge,mary poppins,beetlejuice,aladin....
desperate housewives,southpark,smallville,vh1,that 70s show....thats pretty much it...i dont watch that much tv and when i do its with my fam...
My Mom, My Grandpa, and Bob Ross - "There's nothing worse than an angry tree."....