ALL OF IT!! My current and usual Fav's are Fuel, Velvet Revolver, Tonic, The X's (sniff-sniff), I'm learning to love the Statues of Liberty. Love Bonnie Raitt, Robert Johnson and the Family Band, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Johhny Lang, Filter, Etta James, Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin. I have an unhealthy love of 80's music - especially Journey. It's the music of my youth.
Don't have much time for movies lately. My old standby's are anything Hitchcock, the Color Purple, Steel Magnolias, All The President's Men, can't think of any others for the moment, but if it's old I'll watch it.
TV? What's that? I don't even have a chance to watch the news anymore. Thanks to "ON DEMAND" I can keep up with Bill Maher, the Sopranos, and Entourage, but that's about it. Oh, I dig lots of stuff on the Discovery Channel. Yes. I'm old and I'm geeky.
Huh? Haven't read a good book in a LONG TIME. I miss books. The last one was Jane Eyre. Yes, a book I would have run screaming from when I was in school.
My Mom and Dad. My husband - when he's acting right.