HmMmMm....Monkeys, music, monkeys, family, friends, monkeys, dancing, acting, yellow monkeys, volleyball, happy monkeys, swimming, dancing monkeys, hugs, smiling and MONKEYS!
Someone who will sit and watch "Bring it On" with me over and over again while eating Pringles, drinking Snapple Peach Iced Tea and breaking out into random bursts of song. Other than that... ANYBODY!!! YOU!YO MAMA! vvv so HITTETH it up!!! vvv LiGhTdRaGoN511 (AIM)
pretty much EVERYTHING!!! eeespecially OLDIES!!!
a GOOD movie is one that makes u cry......=.. ok i admit it, i CRY at the MOVIES. like a GURL. like a BABY even. i love it. as for names...Shrek 2, The Wizard of Oz, Bring it On, Mean Girls, aaaand yea everything.
The Power Rangers and the guy who invented Pringles.