Member Since: 2/16/2008
Sounds Like: Why is CD Mastering necessary?
In the recording studio, you record one song at a time, and the focus of the recording or mixing engineer is to make each song great. The result, however, is generally a collection of songs that all peak at different levels and may have different EQs. During mastering, a professional engineer unifies the CD by using EQ, compression, and other dynamics processing to give it a consistent sound from track to track.
In addition, mastering can raise your album's overall level through the careful use of compression, so your album can compete with any major label release. The mastering engineer also ensures that your music will sound great - whether it's being played through a car stereo, a portable CD player, or a top-of-the-line stereo system. In CD Mastering, the sound of your CD will be optimized, making it sound punchy, warm, and full, while raising the overall volume.
A fresh pair of ears can be the difference between a good-sounding CD and a great one. After you've spent weeks or even months in a recording studio listening to your CD over and over again, a fresh pair of ears can put the project into perspective for you and let you know whether or not your CD will benefit from mastering.
To improve your recording, mastering can:
• Raise the overall level.
• Even out song levels and EQ individual tracks for cohesion.
• Correct minor mix deficiencies with equalization.
• Enhance flow by changing the space between tracks.
• Eliminate noises between tracks.
» Demo Mastering.
Mastering demo CDs is becoming a standard practice in the hyper-competitive music market. Mastering of demos can be an important step in giving an artist an extra edge over the competition.
Type of Label: Major