TLWL Classic Clothing Co!
The Life We Lead On YouTube!
4,300 PICS n More To COme!!!
Watch the videos there funny as hell you wont be disapointed!
If I wrote down my life in words, u wouldnt believe the words you read. So I record it instead!
©Copyright 2006 FAST LIFE PRODUCTIONS! [M. Serpa]
"friends make it all worth while. The crazy antics and the amount of drinking that would put Ted Kennedy to shame. The girls and the videos, all of our hard work on TLWL. Sure we write on each other and shave each other when we have pass out from the amount of alcohol and drugs. But it is for a great cause. Your eternal humiliation and joy captured on digital video and pictures, some even burned into peoples minds. Its these same friends which love to humiliate one another which have the fiercest love and respect for each other. Fuck with one of them and the rest will show you what pain really means." THE VOICE BEHIND THE CAMERA: We have been doing this 4 years. What do we do you ask? We enjoy life and live it to its fullest. Some have us have been friends’ 15 years. Some of us just met each other. We all share a bond of brotherhood, Loyalty and Respect 4 each other that cant be shakken. And we all happen to drink like there is no 2marro and act like a damn fool in a good way... well in away that provides us and others with entertainment.
I created my profile with Myspace Layouts+FASTLIFE PRODUCTIONS in Association with ILL GO INC