SaxY Dorian profile picture

SaxY Dorian

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi! I'm a French boy, so I'm not very good in english hehe! My passion is very simple: Music, music, and.....Music again! I like a lot these things called "rock'n roll" but my favorite kinds of music are the old punk, grunge, noisy, indus, ambiant ...! I'm in a punk/stoner band(Dark Soul). I like to travel, to meet new people, to see new places, to have new emotions. I can't explain that but I'm really touched when I like something, anything around me has significance in these moments, I can see just this marvellous drug. It's something ordinary and normal ultimately. Then my favorite bands are: -Alice in chains -Melvins -Punish yourself -Queen adreena -Jack the ripper -Nirvana -The distillers -Fiona apple -Shannon wright -PJ Harvey -L7 -Mad Season -Ministry -Sonic youth -Nine inch Nails and a lot of others.........
-I play guitar, all the vocals and the machines in Dark Soul , an electro/apocalyptic/stoner band
-I'm a green'ghost'fluo guy in this punish yourselfvsSonic Area's short film/clip by Alexandre Cardinali (copy this link to download:
-Sometimes I help with my saxophone a fucking chaotic'sexy under acid' band called Punish Yourself !
Punish Yourself - Live @ Dour 08
envoyé par golden_brams

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Person who have same activities or like great music (no no, it's not the same thing haha!) I don't care...


My Blog

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