This is me.
I love Language! Especially French! But when speaking English, USE FULL WORDS! Not text talk. that just ruins a language!
And it annoys me.. =P Although I've no problem with shortenings of sayings such as "lol"..
I like keeping in touch with people! Drop by and say "hey"!
I'm extremely bubbly, I love cheering people up and making them laugh!
I'm Carri and I'm 17.
I live in Dublin, Ireland.
I like Music
I'm in 6th year in Santa Sabina
I love my friends, each and everyone one of them!
I love to write and I do post the occasional blog. Be it random ranting or raving about someone who's annoying me, or general annoying little poems or stories that I do n expect you to read.I think myself to be quite wise for my age. I'm good at listening and giving advice.Remember: Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover