Sophia profile picture


About Me

Name: Sophia
Name people actually use: Sophia, Soph, Sophie
Preferred room temprature: 19°C, plus jumpers.
City you want to visit most: Paris and Vancouver.
Preferred foodstuff: Parma violet milkshake. Lots of it.
Did you invent your signature?: Nope, it just happened.
What do you want to do when you grow up?: Fall in love, get a cat and run a small English Tea Shop in Prague.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Douglas Coupland, Owen Pallett, Edward Said, Dylan Moran, Francis Bacon, Thom Yorke, Wes Anderson, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Catherine Keener, Jacques Derrida, Ludwig van Beethoven, Douglas Hurd, Romeo Dallaire.

My Blog

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