Eddie Lance profile picture

Eddie Lance

My Interests


Member Since: 10/17/2005
Band Website: EDShirts.com
Band Members: clIck heRe for eD SHIrtS

F rank Hannon
Johhny C: ash
Tommy Skeoch
Conor Oberst
Brian Wheat
Charles B ukowski
Tim K asher

Damn near everyone on earth is stupid. If you are reading this then odds are you are an idiot yourself. I sometimes sit and wonder just how most people get thru the day. They must know something I don't. Conor on the other hand knows something more then both of of us. Study Bright E y es and try to turn your life around. It's not too late.

Sounds Like:
look pal, you're no george goddamn winston. move on in your life.

Record Label: Happy Birthday (Get Well Soon)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Opinion: How Good Is the Internet for Music?

I want to briefly talk about what the Internet can do for the creation of music. It's easy to namecheck Trent Reznor in a lot of these posts, but he is certainly a pioneer for new methods of music m...
Posted by Eddie Lance on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 04:26:00 PST


wanted to add there were 6500 entries in this months round. I suppose 3rd place it's too bad although Will Farrell tought me if you're not first you're last.  Next time I'll get it.PRESS RELEASEO...
Posted by Eddie Lance on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:37:00 PST

Playing GOD

I wish that our cat got outside somehow and was forever missing.  Maybe even if she had died at home..  That would have been horrible but yet acceptable.  Having to put her ...
Posted by Eddie Lance on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:57:00 PST

New Song New Song!!!!

Hi, posted a new song fresh and just out of the oven.  Take a listen.  La Mesa Rules.Eddie...
Posted by Eddie Lance on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:59:00 PST