meandering montage thoughts that reel introvert turned extrovert product of our times can't escape, it's unavoidable turn now to the to do section bits and pieces scattered across the continental divide it opens like the cover of an old bible and out come the wolves...passive and active in areas of interest mountian trails- bikes and boards music all day poetry theatre drawing prone to the arts and starving empowered impassioned and impoverished impulsive and imprisoned aloof and sincere sometimes i'm perfectly clear other times my point is anywhere but here tangental trajectory here we go sometimes i do and sometimes i don't thirsty for knowledge and hungry for the now destiny is for suckers leisure is not a national pasttime- could be, it's sure past time- darts pool smokes pints taking the piss painting the town brown sarcastic and sorry crutches all- for now, that's all- en route evoking believing wondering and naturally evolving.
(call that a snapshot. prolonged exposure may cause reciprocity failiure. a few of the above bits are references, props if you know them)