Genuine, thoughtful, intelligent individuals...aspiring and dedicated...I'm drawn towards sensitivity as well as a sense of HUMOR and playfulness. I take great JOY in teasing. I love to make people laugh. I'm also apt to bite certain people but that's only if I'm REALLY into you...I have very low tolerance for drama queens, gossip, whiners and irresponsible types. Biggest turn-on's:Cleanliness, decent manners, a witty mind. I have a glasses fetish...Something of a Clark Kent fantasy...Biggest turn-off's: poor hygiene, a sloppy kisser, vulgar language. Courtesy is the most potent aphrodisiac...Incidentally, HERE IS SOME OF MY MOST RECENT PHOTOGRAPHY. I prefer to do it the old-fashioned way... I shoot real FILM. Certain individuals inspire me to "capture" them ;)TO ALL YOU ANIME FANS, BELOW is A CUTE LITTLE SLIDESHOW I CUT TOGETHER JUST FOR FUN: