Hello there you internet worm, we are RHYTHMIC CONSOLE, if you realy wanna know us deeper, read it carelessly while you drunk, it takes only 12 seconds....
We are four growing up kids who trying to look as cool as we can with start to forming a pop punk melodical background band.
Started in the late 2007, with 3 members at the beginning Rio, Adit, and Nyuky. And then, after several times goes on (eighty years later), they decide to recruite Firman as a guitarist to complete the sound they wanna hear.
Basicly, we enjoy to play music together, share our idea to turn them into a song and record it. So far, we have 4 tracks.
Sooooo.... if you wanna see how cool we are, invite us to your party or come to our show and sing louder than us,,kayyy!!!
Firman : +628568826552/+622199815358