On a broad level, books and music, I suppose. Knitting, art (as an observer, not a do-er). Food and cooking.
Oh ok, we can talk, I guess. :)
What is now known as classic rock with a few other things thrown in. Listing bands would be silly. Music is a private thing I think, it means something different to everyone. You are using someone else's poetry to express how you feel, this is a delicate thing. And we all have our guilty pleasures, the songs you love that you don't tell anyone you love, because they would laugh. But your friends don't laugh, they smile. Because they know why that song means something to you.
losing your self in someone elses drama, laughter, fright etc.... the list would be so long but here's a bit The Kid Being John Malkovich Stand by Me Garden State High Fidelity Ice Age Lilo and Stitch (both, one of the few series where the sequel was as good as the first. They both made me cry) What Dreams may come o there are more... many more.
Lost is the one I won't miss, and I watch tv all the time so pretty much everything.
I have not read my favorite books yet. Except Life of Pi. It comes highly recommended. Its about a boy and a tiger in a boat. Slaughter House Five-- it was so good I almost peed me pants. Candy- Mian Mian, It- Stephen King, many others read for school.
corny, but my mom. she is so.... naturally strong but human as well. No matter what shit went down, she always made me feel like a kid, and like I was the most important thing. This is a rare trait in a woman, because we are selfish. She's never let me down, never broken a promise to me, and never lied to me. This is rare for humans, because we are not consistent, by nature. I can only hope to be these things to my kids.