About me? well, Vitaminwater is all about responsible hydration! just so you know, our two favorite subjects in school were science and nature. Ok, and maybe recess too. we love to hydrate people (responsibly of course) and have a fresh new approach to water. Vitaminwater is composed of 15 different functional flavors. with fit-in-your-hand-ease, each one of our 15 grab-health-by-the-horns varieties offers a unique blend of nutrients to help you shine on those god-has-forsaken-you days, yada-yada-yada conference calls, wind-sucking workouts and chasers-are-for-weenies nights. so, TRY IT, Enjoy, and don't be afraid to say goodbye to your other beverages of the past. one sip may result in the boycott of other hydration choices. you have been warned!..