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About Me

I am a youthful adult (merely a euphemism for “immature”). I have 4 tremendous children, ages 5, 7, 11, and 14. They were all born at home. They attend the local waldorf school, Emerson waldorf. I have a BA in drama from the University of st. Thomas in Houston. I have, at various times in my life, been a poet, a painter, and a sculptor (working mostly with copper wire.) I studied taekwondo for 14 years and hold a 3rd degree black belt. we also owned and operated a successful tkd school 6 years, but had to give it up due to increasing family struggles/commitments. I was a vegetarian for 17 years, but started eating animals somewhere around 2004. I love sushi! I live by myself now, and don't really like it much. my children spend 2 nights a week with me, and that is nice. I am totally hooked on the number placing puzzle Sudoku. My 3 older children are also into it. Even my 7 year old does well at it.little people poemsTASTY SOUR SWEETI sort of like pickles but what I really like is limes. so I bought some at the market for eight-n-a-half dimes. I cut 'em into wedges and sprinkle them with salt. so when my face looks sour, please know it's not my fault sometimes I squeeze them in my mug then add water and honey sweet. I stir it up and slurp it down. what a fruity yummy treat!THERE'S SOUP AND THEN THERE'S SOUP!I love to eat soup but my bowl's been gone for days. I've gotten rather clever, and now I eat it many ways. I've eaten summer stew from a giant purple mug and potato leek is good when served up in a jug. but my favorite soup to eat is bean and carrot root. and my favorite way to eat it is from my hiking boot.CLOUD FRIENDS when I lie on my back in the green summer grass I watch overhead as the great billowy clouds pass. I try to pick out fun shapes from the sky. it's really not hard if you look with your mind, not just with your eye. that one's a dog with a pack full of squirrels and that cloud's a cow who is riding some girls. the pictures are changing with a puff of the wind. now there's another great shape to share with your friend.MY OWN SONGI piped upon my flute as I skipped along the lane. and the tune that issued forth came solely from my brain. I make music from what I see. I play the rock and tree a tune. the melody flows and floats as I play the clouds and winter misty moon. you too can make the air dance with the song that you sing each day just sing what you like and make music whenever you play.SNOW DAYsnowflakes are born way up near the moon. and we should be seeing some really quite soon. in the air there's a chill that none can deny. and I keep hoping that soon the snowflakes will fly. they'll land on the ground like a silky white sheet. and it will be smooth like the water, till we stomp with our feet. we'll make kids out of snow and dig a hole like a rabbit. then we'll make a great snowball and let the snowkids have it. when you bundle up dry, a snow day is grand. because it turns all the usual into a magic wonderland.GUM SHOEsomeone's old gum has stuck my shoes to the street. I was just walking and humming and not watching my feet, when I squished on a wad that was the size of a plate. soon I thought, now I'm stuck to this spot and will surly be late. so I tugged and I pull and I streched the goo out. I wiggled and cried and I gave a loud shout. "won't somebody come and unstick this poor child" I was dancing and twisting like something quite wild. I needed to go, I could hang ..round no more. being stuck to the sidewalk was really a bore. now I was late for a meeting with you. when finally it hit me, I just took off my shoe.A PEACH OF A HOUSEif I was a worm an apple would be my home. I never would leave it there'd be no need to roam. there'd be plenty of food to fill my wormy belly. and the fresh apple scent would make sure it wasn't smelly. my world would be great, and I'd love my house a bunch and I'd only have to worry, in case we're served for lunch.SINGING FOREST?? I was skipping in the forest when a noise reached my ear. I couldn't see a thing, but it sang out loud and clear. I left my skipping for a time, and just listened from a stump. at first I couldn't hear it, then whistle made me jump! it sounded like a music box stuffed inside a feather bed. so I listened even harder as I craned my woolly head. then finally I saw it, a hole inside a tree. I skipped right over to it, as I wondered what I'd see. I poked my head right in, and even surprised myself. for what I found inside, was a happy singing elf.JUST GOOD FOODI went a-huntin' in my jungle garden plot. I took all my gear there with me, you can bet I packed the lot. I had swatters for the skeeters, and sacks for what I caught. then I gathered all I could and what I couldn't, I went and bought. I got basil purple and sweet, and I got bug bites on my feet. I got a pumpkin orange and round that was just waitin' there on the ground I got 'maters tangy and nice and I got a pepper or two for spice. then I bought cheese that tastes so very creamy. then I mixed it all up in stew that was so dreamy. my stew had shells from pasta and not the beach. why, I threw in everything within my reach. it had pumpkin, cauliflower and zucchini squash of course. I'm telling you it had everything except my neighbor's horse. it so rich and hearty and tastes so great you'll have to hurry and fill your plate. stew's going fast and I can't wait so I'll have to go and ... eat some!!!LITTLE AUTUMN PLANEStiny little airplanes floating to the ground sailing on the wind and twirling all around they fly with many colors but started out as green brown and red, orange and blue have all been seen. they launch from tiwgs away up high. then they soar to fill the autumn sky. and land so lightly upon the lawn. but in mid november they all have gone.(to the toon of Noel) FALL NOELthe leaves on the trees are no longer all green. we are seeing this autumn's first lovely scene. the baughs are aglow with the colors of fall they are signaling harvest to one and to all. they paint the cool days they excite my mind with a blanket of brilance I'm privileged to find.THE SMILE GUYI have in my pocket a bag full of smiles. folks travel to see them for miles and miles. I'll give you a smile if you've lost one. wearing a frown just isn't much fun. you don't have to worry because it won't break. my smiles are real, I never use fake. they come with some hooks that fit over your ears. and when you hang it in place, say goodbye to your tears. I'll give you some extra, you can pass them around. you know, handing out smiles is the best thing I've found.HOLE HOMEI was walking through the woods, when I found a hole just lying there. I couldn't find its owner, but was sure that they would share. after all, this hole was just as perfect as it could be. just off the path and underneith a giant poplar tree. I think I've always wanted to live inside a hole. but I'd want it to be nice, not like a dark and dirty troll. so jumped into this lovely hole that I had found, and to this day you still can find me living there in the ground.MONKEYI watched a small monkey climb up a large tree. I wondered how he did it since he's smaller than me. he should be scared to be up there so high. if I was up there, I know I'd just cry. that monkey up there is so very brave. when he looks down at me I'm going to wave. "hello little monkey, please tell me your trick, if I was where you are, I know i'd be sick." I'd be very nervous, my tummy would ache, I wouldn't eat anything, not even orange cake. the monkey is waving, he wants me up there. there's a lump in my throat, but I do not care. I'm climbing that tree, cause I can be strong. and so I'm not scared, I'll sing a brave song. hey look at me, I'm here at the top. with my courage in place, I won't have to stop!CLIMBERI climed a tree one day last week. I climed up high to have a peek. I climed to see what birds can see. that is why I climed that high tree. BOUNCY BALLbouncy ball, bouncy ball go meet the floor. you leave it so quick and then you see it some more. bouncy ball, bouncy ball go see the sky. you bounce down so hard and then you sail up so high. bouncy ball, bouncy ball where can you be. you've played with the clouds, now please play with me.IF I WERE A BIRDif i was a bird, i would never ever walk. i would wear no shoes, not a single sock. i can't see why i would i would fly if i could i would live in the clouds, that's where i'd be. or on top of a mountian, or up in a tree. i would flap my wings and live on the wind. a dragon fly could be my best friend. i sure wouldn't walk, or haven't you heard. i sure wouldn't walk, if i was a bird.IN THE GARDENout in the garden where flowers and fruits grow the fireflies are dancing and giving a show. the doodle bugs trace out thier names in the dirt. this one's named sally and that one's named burt.RAINDROP RAINDROPIf I was a raindrop, i'd live in a cloud i'd be a great raindrop and make my mom proud. i'd step to the edge, and then leap to the sky i wouldn't just fall, i know that i'd fly i'd land in puddle right there on the ground and when you come splashing by, on your boot i'll be found.HURRICANE A BLOWIN’the wind is blowing and the storm is growing, there's a hurricane brewing off shore. so bring in the dog and calm the cat. close the shutters and fasten the door.the trees will bend in the heavy wind, the leaves will show thier light green side. the dirt will fly and cloud the air. the birds will find somewhere to hide.HAPPY FEETnew shoes you have upon your feet. and upon the floor, you softly beat. you pad so lightly, that none can hear. and they feel so great you want to cheer. you picked the color and mom made the knit. now upon your feet, your new shoes sit.IN A LITTLE BOATI am sailing in my little boat, upon the deep blue sea. we are searching for a distant shore, my cat named zeus and me. the journey is a long one, the days, they speed right by. and all there is for us to do is look up at the sky. we hunt for lovely creatures, who float along the breeze. they pretend that they are clouds, not ducks and willow trees. we see them plain, for what they really are. that one there is an elephant, and the other one's a car. it's fun to watch and float, here in my sailing boat.CLOUD HOPPIN’I CLIMED UP IN A TREE AND LEPT INTO THE AIR. I LANDED ON A CLOUD WITHOUT A SINGLE CARE. I LAY AND REST MY EYES FOR JUST A LITTLE WHILE. THEN BOUNDED TO THE NEXT CLOUD WITH A HAPPY FRIENDLY SMILE. I AM STARTING TO GET BORED HERE, I REALLY WANT TO GO. SO NOW MY EYES ARE LOOKING FOR A GIANT HUGE RAINBOW. I'M GOING TO SLIDE DOWN ON IT, AND TUMBLE TO THE GROUND. AND THEN LIE THERE AND REMEMBER ALL THE BEAUTY THAT I FOUND!OH NO, SNOWlet it snow, let it snow the flakes will fall and the wind will blow then it's blizzardy and blowy for about a week or so. now I wish this mess would go.a short one on birds!!I see a yellow duck, she's floating on the lake. I see a pretty robin, he's nibbling on some cake. I see a mighty eagle, she's holding up the sky. I see myself just standing, and wishing I could fly!!!IF I WERE A BUBBLEI can fly like a bubble but I don't think I'll pop If I float near something sharp, I'll probably just stop. I'll land upon the river and bob away downstream. I wish I had a mouth. because I want to scream. I am twisting and I'm turning and I see a water fall. I'm getting really scared, but then I see it is not tall. half way down the fall, the water sets me free. now I'm sailing through the air, beyond the great oak tree.EXPLORERSWIM THE STREAM AND HIKE THE TRAIL CLIMB THE CLIFF AND CROSS THE DALE INVESTIGATE YOUR WORLD SO WIDE. FIND ALL THE SECRETS THAT TRY TO HIDE. GO UP A TREE TO SEE A NEST. BUT LEAVE IT THERE, 'CAUSE THAT'S THE BEST. WRITE IT ALL DOWN, INSIDE YOUR MIND KEEP TRACK OF ALL THE WONDERFUL THAT YOU FIND.*rock dance*have you ever seen a rock that could dance upon a lake? there's really nothing to it, it's simple, a piece-a-cake. you pick a rock that's flat, a little smaller than your hand. and get a rock that's solid, not made of mud or dirt or sand. now hold it in your throwin' hand while standing on the shore. then lean way over sideways, and hurle it with all your for. the rock will hit the water, if you've thrown it all just right. then underneith the rock you'll see a little light, 'cause the rock will now be hoppin' across that water, blue. the rock will be a dancin', and it's all because of you.SCHOOL SONGI walked along the road with my lunch pail in my hand. I hopped up on a tree stump and looked out across the land. I waded through a puddle with my rubber boots pulled high. I skipped while looking up into that cloud filled summer sky.This wondrous little journey has lead now to school. where I focus on my teacher who is singing from his stool. We learn a song of hills that go rolling far away. And how the Sun came in and turned the night to day. And then the clouds got dark and muddied up the sky. But then some children did a dance and made the rain clouds cry. The dancers were so happy that the clouds got happy too, so they rained their tears of joy for the puddles for me and you.WOOLLY BEARDthere is a man a very small man a tiny man indeed in fact this man this very small man is no bigger than a weed!I see him often he lies about he rests benieth my tree he lies about he nibbles grass he hums just like a bee!this man I see he's very small but his beard is awefully long he hums a tune I listen well he sings a happy song!this beard he has this tiny man his beard is white and wool he combs it neat he fluffs it up the beard is curly and its full!I like his beard I want one too I can make one in a pot toss in some fluff and hot water I will stir it quite a lot!I put down my spoon take off my shoes Then I splash myself right in I stomp my feet I swish my toes I jog and hop and spin!I dance around it's half an hour I know this is sounding wierd but then I'm done I pull it out and voula I have a beardIn cloverthe friendly breeze tugges at my hair as I laze in the shade and watch the leaves dance. the clouds slip by in the warm morning air pausing enough to give my minds eye a chance. I rest on the shape of a great grizzly bear who seems to be washing his fleecy wool pants. I swim in the clover without the least little care as I count a long line of busy black ants.scary good deed!!!hop skip jump and roll! run real fast, here comes a troll! just leave your lunch, forget your bowl! I said run real fast here comes a troll! he's huge and smelly. I can't remember seeing a larger belly. his hair is dripping with what... brusselsprout jelly? and did you hear me mention that this guy is smelly?! he's really mean and angry too. he stomps the ground with his giant shoe. with fits like that, I'll bet his friends are few. he shouts and grunts, and now I look... he's crying too. he shakes his foot and blows a horn. he crushes a painting until it's torn. then he flings off the shoe that's old and worn. and when I look closer... I see a thorn! I see a thorn in his mighty toe. I'm really scared and want to go. but he shouts out loud and tries to show the giant thorn in his great green toe. he tells me then his names is janx. I slip somewhat closer and give some yanks, on the humongus thorn while he gives thanks! now we are the best of friends, myself and this troll janx.YUMMY LUNCHI packed my lunch inside an shoe now I know what you'll say and I know it's not true. you probably think my banana will stink and my pb and j will tooyou likely will think that I'll through the lot out that I'll cry and I'll scream and I'll stomp and I'll shout. but I tell you I love it, my stinky old lunch old sneaker smell is my favorite to munch!!!In cloverthe friendly breeze tugges at my hair as I laze in the shade and watch the leaves dance. the clouds slip by in the warm morning air pausing enough to give my minds eye a chance. I rest on the shape of a great grizzly bear who seems to be washing his fleecy wool pants. I swim in the clover without the least little care as I count a long line of busy black ants.WALKERI once knew a man who walked 'round the earth. some say he walked just after his birth. just hit the ground walkin' is what they all say and he continues to walk till this very day. he walks through the mountains and past the blue lakes he walks during rain storms and during earthquakes. if you see this man walkin' please tell him hello but don't keep him long, he has places to go.SLEEPY TIMEI was sleepy one day so I climbed into a hollow tree. it was cozy in there and dark and quiet as could be. I quickly nodded off and slept so very sound. I slept inside that log while the log lay on the ground. I slept and slept the days away then the bright summer sky turned soon to winter gray. the months turned to years as I slept there on and on. and when I woke I found I'd slept for very long. my beard was long and snowy white. and I know I looked a freightful sight. so I'll warn you this, and please beware. if you want to sleep sleep in a chair.COLORFUL BIRTHDAYIt must be grand to have your day at a time of year when the squirrels are here to play. to light the candles upon your cake when the trees have dropped their leaves like boats upon the lake. to have a song sung just for you when the cool autmun sky is the deepest saphire blue. the trees are alight with the colors of fall, and your friends have gathered round to call, Happy birthday to Mary, you've grown older one year. Happy birthday to Mary we wish you good cheer!SCARED FOR FUNthere are dragons in the hay loft, they are hiding from the mice I've asked them to come down, and now I've asked them twice. I've told them they are silly, the mice are very small. they tell me I am fibbing, the mice they've seen are tall. "I think you are mistaken" is what I what I shout out loud. "I thought you two were dragons, all dragons should be proud" then I heard a little squeak from beneath a milking stool. then I had a great idea that I thought was really cool. I grabbed a pail from on a nail and scooped the mouse right in then up the ladder I hauled the mouse as I tried stop my grin. at the top I saw the two nestled in the hay. I loosed the mouse, he ran around, then the three began to play. then I laughed, "you silly dragons, what were you frightened for?" "it's just a game we like to play, so life's not such a bore."MAGIC GIRLyou can do magic, it's true that you can. you can do magic like any grand Pan. you just snap your fingers and turn on the light. you blink both your eyes and then blink out of sight. you can make flowers that grow in mid air. you can fly to the moon in an old dining chair. you can do magic, I know that it's true. and the magic you have, well, it all comes from you.DON’T PICK ITi saw a lovely flower, that i thought that i might pick. i'll give it to my mother, i think she has been sick. i sat and watched a bee, who landed on that flower, he flapped his tiny wings, and worked what seemed an hour. he danced about the flower and gathered all its good. now i wonder if i'll pick it, i wouldn't think i should. if the flower was not there when the bee came flying by, he could not make his honey even though he'd try and try. and i would not be able to sit and watch him work this way. and as far as i can tell, there's no better way to spend a day. so i think that i will leave the flower and come again tomorrow. see, flowers aren't to take, thier beauty's just to borrow. my playhouse out back!in your backyard there are twigs and branches galore. so we don't need to go to the hardware store. we can get what we need right there on the ground. what a glorious backyard our family has found. we gathered up branches, leaves and some sticks. then papa set out to show you some tricks. your fingers were cold but you still helped me out I called for sabastion, he said NO, with a shout. we worked for a while and got it half done it's a hut that we're building so we can have fun.BIRTHDAY GIRLSwhen i see the butterfly light upon the ruby rose, i am reminded of your airy grace. when the sweet nectar of the honeysuckle fills my nose, i am reminded of your sugary face. when i behold the mighty standing fast againt the wind, i am reminded of your strength, that never wants to bend. when i see the clouds transform and soar up in the summer sky, i am reminded of your thoughts that always take me high. every day i see your face, i'm filled with love and pride, you make the bubbles that let me float and keep me warm inside.LINESbury your brush beneath the blue. and mark the line so straight and true. then load some orange and paint a curve. that's like the blue but you have to swerve. since you can paint these easy shapes, you can draw anything, from dogs to grapes. so practice these shapes and you will be fine. you practice yours and i'll practice mine.OUT BOATWe made a boat of leaves and bark. then we took our boat down to the park. we found a beetle, and a large earthworm and into the boat we let them squirm. we named them captain and first mate. and we hoped the fish wouldn't just see bait. we let them sail off toward the sun. and we just sat back and watched for fun.big people poemsSOMETHING ON MY MINDThere is something on my mind I feel the weight about me from time to time There is nothing that can be seen for the outside looking in There is only the mud of the dreams about to begin. I see the distant mountain smoking through the haze The river surrounding the mountain is wide The river is full of rocks just below the crashing white foam of obscurity. The river is cold and ice forms in the eddies The ice is thin but some pieces are thick Some of the water land is small like a dove and some is large like a tiger The ice is spinning and diving and then without warning it will dash away around the mountain Sometimes we ride the silvery stead on a dream seeking passage to the spires beyond This leads the bark to a place where jets of hot blood from the heart of the land Come spraying out to dissolve the dream carriage back into its surroundings.UNKNOWNin the air there was an ever so distant chill. the kind to make you gay, not one to make you ill. the sky was washed with brilliant blue then soaked with light dove gray the sun was out and peeking through, I found a glorious november day. what leaves were left were standing still I just stood and thought and took my autumn fill. I did not know just what I'd see beyond the oaken door I cleared my mind and touched the air, and waited a little more. then the time had come to go inside to share this wonderous site. my mind was set to take a ride to float to a dizzying height. the oak swung wide, the darkness tore I walked right through to a papered floor. the room was nested in a dark embrace and eight small candles warmed the place. there was a tray of apples just on the right. they looked like red painted wood. and they hugged candles of white in neat little rows the apple candles stood. this was a solumn yet exciting new space and I am sure that the wonder showed up on my face. there were chairs for the big folks resting right near the wall then small seats for children, miss laura et al. away off in the corner just opposite me a woman was sitting preparing to play. there was a curtain in front, I just barly could see. now I could hear what her harp had to say. I stood there a moment just taking it all and in the big picture, I suddenly felt small. the floor was covered, for protection no doubt. it was covered in paper, dull in color but terribly stout. laid upon the paper were branches of lusious green pine. and the path that they framed wound gently clock wise. the spiral was neat and the trail was so fine and there in the center was truly a prize. I stood there amazed as I let my breath out. I curiously wondered what it all was about. there in the center of that garland so rare was the candle from which all the apples would share. this fountain for flame was not speaking yet proudly it stood in the dark that it made. upon a rug of deep forest moss it was set and that, on a tree who gave no more shade. I stood there a while with my senses now bare my mind was aflood and with my heart I did stare. I padded around theSOLE AT REST...OR SOUL ON QUEST. your choice.The moon and the stars are not so far as they seem. We reach them each time a heart's premitted to dream. What limits our flight is refusing to see. It's a queer sort of feeling to set one's mind free. While crouching and tensing, preparing to leap, It's often more easy to just lie in that heap. For most who are born, the ground is just fine. They are fast in thier spot with complaceney's tine. Resighned to the fruit that falls to the ground, Never to ponder a limitless bound. The first stretch that you take is measured and slow. Remember the oak that took long years to grow. But it never will make it with the seed in your hand, You must take full advantage of the wet fertile land. So reach for the stars and break free of the Earth. search for your value and determine your worth.A DAY FOR BUSINESSthe blossoms dance on bouncing bough. the bird lands to rest on the lazy cow. you sit in the cool of the big oak tree. and i sit and dream, as you sing your song to me.THOSE EYESThe mother has eyes that warm the world Deep eyes Beautiful Brown and full of all the wonder and love of sparks from heaven Brown eyes that comfort Brown eyes that excite Brown eyes that laugh Brown eyes that flash storm clouds Brown eyes that weep Brown eyes that smile The mother has eyes that warm our souls The mother has eyes that call in the love and drive the uncertainty far away Brown eyes My love has brown eyes that melt away my fears and drench my face with ahhhh Her eyes are wide and knowing They are curious and sad They show concern and compassion They dance with anger and disappointment Her eyes are capable of consoling horrific tragedy Then bouncing with dandelion flirtation I adore the soul I see through those eyes I am amazed at the love I see reflected from the mother to my children from those eyes Deep eyes Beautiful Brown eyes full of love and wonderlover, husband, father, papa, soul on a journey, man, dreamer, helper, listenerI feel warm insideI feel warm inside, yet my skin is chill and my body shakes. The warmth is more like being smothered with thick pelts Than a comfortable feeling of contented pleasure. Nevertheless, I feel warm inside.My tongue is pressing the roof of my mouth and the back of my teeth. My teeth are glued together with the force of my rock hard jaw. There is not any moisture on my lips, nor any behind them. My breath is like fumes from the chemical locker in the corner of a workshop.My legs are not stable and I find standing on a spot too much a chore. My shoulders are taut and the muscles are straining to be free of my body I know the pain in my neck is there, but I am numb to it and it does not really touch me. My hands tremble when asked to do other than hold one another.My heart seems to have left my chest for fear. I cannot feel my heart beating within, not in my chest, not in my ears. Perhaps my heart has gone off from the rest. Perhaps my heart has left the pack, so as to die from its wounds.My belly is on fire and has not bothered to spare me its misery Though I do feel that if it was possible, my stomach would leap from my mouth That must be the reason my jaw is set with such fierce determination. Forced to stay in my belly, my guts are resolved to torment me.My head My head is But just barely I am numbIt hurts to move so I sit fast It hurts to be lost in thought so I struggle to move about I dare not test my mobility as far as my desire pushes me Yet I dare not wallow for fear of implosion.This I find difficult to comprehend My vision is clear, sharper than could ever have been expected. My temper is no where to be found. In my lost and bewildered state I discover myself calmI do not pretend to posture that my state of tranquility is any mastery of will. I know full well that my serenity, or appearance of, is due to my failure to function at all. I am dead inside I am alive outside…. It is a painful dichotomy. YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE YOUYou know that I love you You oft have heard those words I love you When we greet, or depart When we fight, or when there’s more I love you I say the words and you respond in kind But what lies beneath the words you know so well? This is what I feel This is what I know to be This is what you are to me This is I love you You love me You chose me, twice You keep me strong and worry-free You hold my aim and focus on the larger things in life You love children You love my children You are a mother You are patient, though not always with me You can be tender, though not always You can be thoughtful, though not overly so You are strong in health You are my memory You challenge my wit to be but not be silly You are powerful in attitude You are fair in judgment You follow instructions to expected results You focus not on the pebbles, but the beach You challenge my expectations You are understanding of my faults You help me to feel safe You are fair of face You are strong in body You are fit When you hear When I say When you understand I love you Listen deeper and know Know all the rest Know that there is moreI love you

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My well adjusted and happy self! I know he must be out there somewhere.

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