I'd like to meet:
this here be rachel on friday night..
but he is soooooo awesome and i love him so much.
he invented this coool thing well comic book
and hes like my right hand..
haha no seriously its like i dont even have to write the answers. hes soo smart.
well dennis is sexaaay
-rachel 3
Here are my heroes
Peter Nguyen: This guy is like in all my classes, so we talk a lot, and get into our fair amount of trouble as well. We always have fights, (in the past we had journal fights), and no one seems to notice, well peter here like always has my back (sometimes...) so yea, and he dislikes popular ppl
Steven Ninh: This guy is like my best friend, but he's not #1 on my top, but he's #2 =] he's #2 cuz he likes USC, and he is VERY stereotyped about all the races, including his own. He is also a little ADD, and for a while had the disease called turrets
Brooke Fuentes: Okay, this guy is my beaner friend. We always talk about "stuff" together, and we're both experts in family life. We always make jokes about him crossing the border, or having a green card, or stuff like that. But its cool. Did I mention he's a beaner?
Sean Nguyen: This kid is only useful in science, and solving a rubix cube. He has brought beer, ran away to MY house, and has gotten into a bunch of other trouble, and he is short. End of story.
Loc Dang: this boy here is in desperate need of good grades which i supply to him at a cost of course (which are push-ups, his lunch, or gum) and he is my quarterback
The Amazing Girls in my life XD:
Monica Nguyen: YAY its monica!!! monica is totally awesome and totally rad just because she is =] she is like the coolest girl and I've only known her for like a year XD i know she can beat ppl at checkers, and ya thats it you rock monica!
Morgan Bilbruck: kay Morgan is like really nice and is like never mean to anyone (maybe 'cept nick T in library) but we have a lot of memories together, especially in 4th and 5th grade, where she always cheated off of me. We also invented a game with sean and wyett called "amoeba" in 5th...lol good times
Stephanie Maddox: Steph was also one of the ppl that was a good friend to me in 4th and 5th, since she hung out with Morgan a lot. She and Morgan alsways knocked down my stuff, and in 5th she sat behind me so she always cheated off my paper XD
Noelle Esguerra: Noelle is one of the friends i have in 8th grade....and shes gonna be gone from SBS too.......she always helps me in all different kinds of stuff, like hw, or personal problems, and she is really someone you can count on! (and she's my older sister)
Lany Dao: Lany here is like really fun to talk with or hang around with. Me and alex always like to bother her with black licorice (which she hates), and the both of us always talk about games ,especially warcraft =] (my fav saludictorian)
Cathy Nguyen: This girl here is cathy and she is the best! i always see her at alex house, maybe cuz she's his sister, and she always has to give me a hug whenever i see her, like she should, and i am her favorite 7th grade decat member, which i should be =] lol
Lauren Sugay: lauren is my poking buddy in science, and is some sort of giant cactus blob in my comic book. well she always gives me hugs, and she like totally loves smilies, and she loves getting "brokens"
Alvina Le: alvina is nice (only sometimes) and in 6th grade she always needed help in academics, but now shes gotten a lot smarter, and sean is like taller than her by a lot
catherine mendoza: lol catherine is like the best, cuz she doesnt mind me doing.....stuff...to her along with peter, or she doesnt mind as much =], and we also sometimes talk late at night on myspace
k these are my heroes, and if they weren't here, i wouldnt be here talking 'bout them would I? (except maybe sean, who would have a bad influence on me)