He shows interest in electronic sound in the late 90’s when the Subotica underground scene began its slow arrival in local clubs, visiting almost all events in Subotica. After a few years of listening and partying to mixed sounds by renowned names in world DJ culture, he byes his first turntable set. 2003. was filled with private house parties and a couple of public ones in smaller clubs in Subotica and broader. We can say that this year was the start of his DJ career. The same year a brief friendship with DJ Nezza results in what’s now a successful partnership, which they sealed off by creating “Beat&Bonesâ€.Because of their similar taste in music they decide to perform together doing back2back sets at parties. Beside parties where Beat&bones DJs preformed, he worked beside names like: Mad Matt, Eezt, Natasha&Goya, MKDSL, Bokee, Dacha, Dee Face, Vladimir Acic, Dejan Milicevic, Amor, Fakir, Tarmo Varnnas, Dushan, Joseph Armani, Miss Sunshine, Oliver Moldan, Nick Warren, Paolo Mojo, Matthew Dekay ect. In 2005 for the first time he preformes on ,,TrenchTown" festival, so that he could become the resident off the same. In 2007 together with DJ Nezza he is invited to preforme on Exit festival. In his sets you can hear:Tech-house, Deep House, Progressive, Breakbeat, wich are spiced with a little of Electro sounds. Positive moods, cherrful sounds and a ambition towards a good time… This is DJ Kile-------------------------------------------Serbian version---------------------------------------------------Sv
oje interesovanje za elektronskim zvukom pokazuje krajem 90-ih kada je Suboticka underground scena pocela lagano da se uzdize, posecujuci skoro svaki dogadjaj u Subotici. Elektronska muzika uzima sve vise maha u njemu i posle nekoliko godina zurkovanja i preslusavanja mixeva renomiranih svetskih dj imena, kupuje svoj prvi set gramafona. 2003. godina je za njega bila puna privatnih zurki, ali i nekoliko javnih, po manjim caffe klubovima u Subotici i sire, sto je ujedno oznacilo ovu godinu, kao pocetak njegove Dj karijere. Ali 2003. godina nije bila specificna samo po tome. Iste godine, tada kratko poznanstvo sa dj Nezzom, prelazi u, sada, uspesnu saradnju i nastaje organizacija Beat&Bones. S' obzirom na njihov identican muzicki ukus odlucuju da se u javnosti ne pojavljuju odvojeno, nego da rade back2back setove. Osim na zurkama na kojima su radili samo Beat&Bones DJ-i, nastupao je sa imenima kao sto su: Mad Matt, Eezt, Natasha&Goya, MKDSL, Bokee, Dacha, Dee Face, Vladimir Acic, Dejan Milicevic, Amor, Fakir, Tarmo Varnnas, Dushan, Joseph Armani, Miss Sunshine, Oliver Moldan, Nick Warren, Paolo Mojo, Matthew Dekay itd. 2005.-godine prvi put nastupa na ,,TrenchTown" festivalu, da bi 2006-te postao rezident istog, a 2007. zajedno sa dj Nezzom nastupa na Exit festivalu . U njegovim setovima mozete cuti Tech-house, Deep House, Progressive, Breakbeat i kroz sve to provuceni zvuci elektra. Vedro raspolozenje, nezamarajuci zvuk, sarenilo u setovima i teznja ka dobrom provodu.... To je DJ Kile
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