PUBLIC RELATIONSAt The Soul Planet, our unique combination of big picture thinking, informative people, creative ideas and the unrelenting drive to see an individual or company succeed makes us an invaluable and powerful partner.A dedicated team of media relations specialists — many freelance journalists — maintain close working relationships with journalists and news organizations all over the globe. We work daily with reporters and editors at international newspapers, magazines, business and entertainment publications, wire services, national cable networks, radio stations and on the Internet, as well as with local and regional media.The Soul Planet develops a targeted and customized strategy and mobilizes at the speed of light to produce amazing results .We continually create new possibilities and find fresh and innovative ways to engage your audience. Our passion for success and the art of public relations is evident in everything we do.No matter whether you are the hip urbanite or the culturally astute intellectual, when you work with The Soul Planet, you'll receive strategic thinkers who are consistently driven to deliver a remarkable outcome.Just as you should be selective in choosing the best PR agency to champion your public relations and marketing efforts, we are selective in choosing our clients. In a highly competitive industry, The Soul Planet maintains high profile, long-term clients. This speaks volumes in a marketplace where companies are always looking for the next best thing.We are the connecting point between business, entertainment, grassroots organization and mass media. The Soul Planet is a "Beautiful Struggle".
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