Retired but working several jobs to keep busy. Enjoy my family and watching my children succeed in life. Son Alex and his band, The Forthcoming, will do very well, watch for them. Son Sean, 8, is a joy. Son Ryan, who's helping with hurricane problems in La. as an electrical engineer working with FEMA . Wife Wendy is the best ever. Daughters Robyn and Angi are the best Love the Cardinals, all sports, music of all kinds and I sub-teach confirming my enjoyment of our young people, who are the best in the world. I coach baseball in the summer, baseball is the best game I know. A child of the 60's , I've got some "hippie" in me. Bob Dylan, Bob Seger, Tom Petty, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, all the way to Ozzie and Manson and beyond. All music is a tremendous way to express thoughts, feelings and make statements about life. Niece Sara holds a special place in my heart as she shares herself and her life and lives by example which is the main reason I got on here in the first place. Now that Alex has music on here, I am expanding my profile. I do not want to use this as a way to meet people, I just want to check in occasionally for the music and the few friends/family that are here (Sara). Not looking for any hook-ups in any way since my life is full and I'm happy. Thanks, Russ