Greetings and talofa!!!!!! My name's Meisi Marion Tapu.... I was given the gift of Mortality on June 27,1986.....on a beautiful island known as American Samoa also known as Tutuila! My parents are Falefaaea Kenner Tapu and Litia Nia Tapu! I have three adorable and ulavale brothers named Jared (decease), Eugene and Ian. Currently we live in West Valley Utah.... I graduated from the most popular school in American Samoa!!!! Yup yup.... Lets give it up for "The Mighty Lions" aka LEONE HIGH ******choo hoo****** Its all about the LioN Love, Yah hurd? is ahight!!!! Tight tight..... Anyways moving to Utah is one of the most greatest blessings in my life! %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A
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