Jess profile picture


Rock 'n' Roll Mate =) Barnet is......... Supercool!!!

About Me

Merr,, =)
..My Random conversations include:
Barnet FC, Music, Oxford st, Football, Relentless, Boys, The Kooks, Straightners, Orange Juice, Converse, My i-pod to-be, Skinny Jeans, Photos, Eye-liner & My Cringy Moments.....
I love my music without that then.. well i'd just be plain. I would love to own a ginger cat named Chuck!.....
I have created Facebook, confusing business that is.. So add me (: ..
A random conversation i had with Becky not so long ago...
Becky: "OMG, you know that boy on the bus with the tennis racket..Well i saw him today he's american"
Me: You cow. "Seriously? Oh i say an American Boy? Core i would!"
Becky: "Me to Jess, Me to" =)
Please Note: That if you want to add me then, follow these simple intructions.
1) View one of my blog things.
2) It wont let you view, so then it will say add this person to friends then you click yes simple really isnt it??
I figured this out the other day, clever eh?

My Interests

Oh Yes...

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Sheep, Baaa.

What is one fact about the last person who texted you?She like cake (:Can you use chopsticks?Yeah, but not very well.Last time you were on the phone?About, a hour ago.Ever been to the Statue of Libert...
Posted by Jess on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 11:54:00 PST


Name: Jessica Straw (:I...-I Want: Money. er..-I Have: Good friends -I Wish: ??-I Fear: Spiders.-I Wonder: What people really think of me.-I Regret: Some things.-I Love: Football, Music, Friends and ...
Posted by Jess on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 11:07:00 PST

Bexsfa (:

-Answer these questions about the first person in your friends list.1. What's this person's name?Rebecca Spirggs.2. How old are they?133. Are they one of your best friends?Yes, My Best Friend =)4. Wha...
Posted by Jess on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 05:02:00 PST