Nicky 3 Ring profile picture

Nicky 3 Ring

I am here for Friends

About Me

Yo yo I am Nichlaus Glendon Adams a 6'6" male whom loves to fraulick on my Long board, meet chill people, and just have a good time. Me and my buddies are starting a company specifically designed for longboarding everywhere, and we love to ride with new people and bomb down narly hills puffin j's any time. I also am a freeride skier, and can't wait till it snows. I dont know what else to write right now so I am going to stop.......

My Interests

skiing, Longboarding, having fun, girls, jumping off stuff, trampolines, driving, skinny dipping, laughing, pools in the summer, using my imagination, cliff jumping, poking smot, wakeboarding, anything that gets my adrenaline going.

I'd like to meet:

Mainly anyone who is chill and knows how to have a good time....... but mainly rad girls that are fun.


anything that sounds good to my big ears


Bad Santa, Fast Times, and others


Cant nut reed


That one dude that jumped that thing like over the other bigger things, and then he was like woa. That wasn't right anyways, but he still did it and it was way cool and shit........ that guy is my hero.

My Blog

3 ring and shit

hey everyone, this is Nick talking on the text. I just put a 3 ring page on myspace. you should all be my freinds. because we as 3 ring all love you. 3 ring longboards   Nick Adams 3ring longboa...
Posted by Nicky 3 Ring on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:25:00 PST