A new race of people whom are not in anyway prone to prejudice of any kind. Someone who has the cures & not the plecebos. The higher entities, someday. Myself, a few years from now, as well as a few years ago- just to see how much my ideals have changed. My mom when she wasn't crazy. The list goes on & on....
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
MySpace Codes
MySpace Backgrounds
Custom Friends Space Generator
My Dearest
Love of my life
Starbucks Queen
Little Slut
Koo Koo Kachoo
Krazy Kilt
Ho Patrol
Revrend Suna
Funky Munky
Everyone Else
Lets just say I'm very eclectic. My favorite band would have to be Kidneythieves & my favorite singer-obviously- is Free Dominguez.The Band that I grew up, however, is The Beatles & I love them today the way I loved them when I was little.
None if I can avoid it. I hate obvious subliminal messaging such as that. They want us all to be robots, simple as that!
Vampires Chronicles but I'm just getting into it, umm..hand me a Stephen King & i'll inhale it, Agatha Christy on occassion & psychoanalysist , Aura, thats about all i can think of off the top of my head, really. i am writing my own book, though its a slow process- i am gettting a lot of good feed back so im happy.
My Grandmother, she was a stubborn woman & she always watched after me & probably still is. R.I.P. Emily Rankin 1928-2002 I love you! My Older sister, Melanie, very compulsive but very productive, I love you even though I know I am incapable of telling you so. Kenny, my lover through thick and thin, you have been there for me-no matter what I've done- for the past ten years & I can only be forever greatful that someone has put you in my path to keep me safe & warm throughout my periodic winters, Ilove you also.