About Me
Kathinka Walter trained at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds/U.K. and graduated in 2001. On completing her degree she went to Berlin/Germany to work choreographing her own pieces and collaborating with, amongst others, Felix Rückert, Howard Katz Fireheart, Post Theater (see www.semantics-of-sound.com/sv.html) and Wendy Houstoun. She returned to England in September 2003 to take up the post of choreographer in residence at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance where she also taught choreography. In July 2007 she finished her MA in choreography at the London School of Contemporary Dance and got awarded with distinction.
Since August 2007 she is working on various choreographic projects in Leeds and Berlin and is teaching at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (Leeds) and the University of York St John. Apart from her dance teaching she is also working as the dramaturge for various dance companies, e.g. MotionManual (www.motionmanual.com).
As part of her professional dance training Kathinka has started yoga 10 years ago and has worked with various teachers in England and Germany. Since 2007 she is teaching yoga to dancers and non-dancers, combining her dance knowledge with the yoga practise. Classes are running at the Yoga Space (www.theyogaspace.co.uk), Yorkshire Dance (www.yorkshiredance.com), Esporta (www.esporta.com/leedsthelight) and the LS6 Café (www.theyogashack.com).
Her main interest is the collaborative work with other artists. In 2005 she founded the company Foot and Mouth with the musician Richard Ormrod. Their debut piece Noises for the Leg received a very positive feedback and the artists are teaching regular workshops about their collaborative work to musicians and dancers.
"They are a sextet who produce an audio-visual spectacle of exciting physicality."
(Karl Dallas)
Her latest collaborative work Gleichzeitig was premiered in May 2007 and was touring in England and Germany. Gleichzeitig is another collaborative work, this time with the printmaker Hester Cox and the video artist Philippa Thomas. Audience response from the performances in London and Leeds has been positive and varied, with a sample of comments given below.
"I’m dazzled and intrigued - Very inspirational! - Very interesting on the senses - Crazy, weird, innovative, insightful - Thank God, someone is pushing boundaries in dance in Leeds!"

A film of her work will be soon on myspace.
Since 2007 she is working on a series of performance installations as a development of the ideas of Gleichzeitig. In Gleichzeitig 2 (Leeds 2008) she was working with artists from different art forms (music, dance, theatre, visual art). At Light Night 2009 she presented Gleichzeitig 3, which was focussing on the layering process of the performance material within a site specific context. (see http://lightnightleeds.co.uk/7_Events.html?item=135)
The exploration of her performance installation series is part of Kathinka's PhD at Leeds University, which she started in October 2009. Presently she is focussing on the idea of the 'visible choreographer' within the performance process.
Her latest Choreographies:
Physical chain (2009, Leeds, commissioned work for Verve 10/NSCD)
Gleichzeitig 3 (2009, Leeds, commissioned work for Light Night)
unearthing (2009, Leeds, commissioned work for NSCD)
Sequenzen, a community dance work (2008, Berlin, commissioned work for the Akademie der Künste Berlin)
Gleichzeitig 2 (2008, Leeds)
Traces (2008, Berlin, commissioned work for Balance 1)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, a community dance work (2007, Berlin)
Gleichzeitig (2007, London, Leeds, Derby)
Romeo and Juliet, a community dance work (2006, Berlin)
Noises for the Leg (2005+2006, Leeds, Hull, London)
Cuttings! (2005/London)
Reich’s coffee (2004, London, Leeds, Warsaw)
im irgendwo (2004, Rohkunstbau Festival /Berlin, Gross Leuthen/Berlin)
the open door (2004, Leeds, commissioned work for NSCD)
inBEtween (2003, Leeds, Amsterdam, commissioned work for NSCD)
turnover with Post Theater (2003, Berlin)
Biscuits with the visual artist Hiroko Tanahashi (2002, Bauhaus Dessau)
Video installation with the Japanese artist Heman Chong (2003, Biennale Venice)
Dance scenes for a TV-production (SFB, 2002, Berlin)