HERE'S HOW TO REACH ME. My AIM screen name adam138430 or you can reach me on MSN Messenger [email protected] I'd love to hear from you
This Is All About Me So Read & Enjoy22 in college and still waiting patiently and anxiously... my full time job isnt school but perserving my youth...I’m scared of growing up and sense that these are very well may be the best years of my life... I hardly ever wear my seat times it feels funny to be alive...the only living thing that adores me has three legs...I have a hard time of letting go a habit or trend...I always pick the best times to drop the worst lines...white ,black and green are my favorite colors but not together...I can vision my future wife in my dreams, but I never see her face...I have an unexplainable desire to see everything and know everyone... I don’t know what is an empty promise is...I take good and the bad and try to create good...when I go to bed I look forward for what the next day is to bring me and breakfast...I enjoy cloudy days when the skies can be cleared by simply just blowing the clouds away...i want a denver omelet and blueberry pancakes every morning when I wake up... I could go to school forever...When I look at pictures I get sad of those times have passed no matter what was going on...I dont believe in true love but timing and circumstances...I love ordering pizza when your absolutely wrecked...I want a stand up comedian at my funeral or perhaps a great live band...I can make myself sick from being so nervous, upset or excited...I like driving a little too fast when it's a little too warm with the music a little too loud... I don’t consider myself a special person but a special friend...I cant stand watching tv for long periods of time... I love the smell of fresh cut grass, girls hair and just before it rains...I want to learn to surf.. I wish I could get a kiss every night when I go to sleep...I hate the sound of alarm clocks, even if i'm already awake...I don’t idealize athletes or the rich...I can't handle saying goodbye to people i may never see is too short to hold grudges or too feel miserable...I want to live the life in someone else’s shoes to show myself how lucky i am.. I want someone to stay up all night to just talk...i remember the first time i ever had blueberry pancakes...i never ate a food that I didn’t like...I’m spontaneous, innovative, and passionate at the same time..I do not own a pair of white underwear...a day without orange juice is a day without sunshine...I care too much and feel too deeply...I’m creative but I’m not an artists...since I was in 6th grade I’ve wanted to go to Greece... there isn’t a culture, sport, music that I dont find interesting...never mind is my least favorite word and hi is my favorite... I believe music is more then just sounds... I remember conversations when I was 8 but I cant remember what I did for my birthday party that year...I believe laughter is the preeminent medicine you can give someone...I constantly think of what my life would be some where else...I’m conservatively messy…I cant help holding back my feelings...i can't remember life before instant messenger... eating, sleeping and sex are my favorite hobbies in no particular order...apples defeats chocolate…fireworks and running shirtless and shoeless on warm dew grass in the front yard define summer to me...outlandishly fascinated by peoples thoughts, beliefs, and morals...I re-laugh at least once everyday about something that happened in the past...i could watch fireworks every night of the week and never get most memorable memories don’t come from things I’ve done with other people but people who I’ve had memorable conversations with... When I don’t have anyone to talk to, I talk to myself…my goal in life is to affect as many people as I can in a positive way...piano playing is my favorite sound...I don't believe in fate or true love... i become attached to places, things, and people and find it incredibly difficult to let go... curious george is mad at me... I despise the pattern of life Americans believe they must live...I dream while i am awake and sometimes the entire world makes sense... there are some people i wish i could scoop up and keep forever...I never forget my phone but I lose my wallet constantly...don’t believe in love at first sight but lust at first the relationship I have with physical pain...queen size bed but I sleep on the very edge as if someone else is coming...relaxation to me is free riding down a freshly powered hill while listening to music...I can be extremely random...surprises mean more then just a bolt from the blue...I dont believe in my name or the guy that had it first...I love to sleep but hate going to bed…I wish i could relive historic events...I live and die by my risk taking and lately I haven’t been doing too much living…every year on my birthday I’m astounded that I made it another year...I don't eat or sleep when I’m nervous, anxious, irritated, or upset... I believe my love is like a day at the fair only getting handful of coins to play games with and hopefully during the day I win a prize before I run out of tokens...…Sundays are a figment of the world's imagination... I’m always thinking of crazy random hypothetical questions… traveling on wet and cold days just seems, so much more adventurous… I’m a sucker for hugs and cuddling... best things in life arent things at biggest fear is letting people down...I can never be content with is beautiful in every imaginable way...My Ultimate Salvation Is Conspicuous...when I'm broken I'm easily fixed...where would you be without me...I love you and you don't even know...
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