Hell Kat profile picture

Hell Kat

Deadly with a razor!

About Me

I am a larger than life latina. I am a apsolultly strong woman who ia a mother, a lover, a friend, an enemy so you can pertty much say that I am whatever the situation may need. I am a fully lisenced hairstylist i am finally working in a enviroment that I have allways wanted to see my self in i am curently working at Curl up N Dye on Maryland location. So fo all those of you stylish divas and Kool Daddie o's who would like to give me a try stop in at let me know you saw me on my space.
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My Interests

I must say that I am very open minded I enjoy meeting new people. My intrest are very broad there is a little of everything in my life.

I'd like to meet:

Some new clients ready for a new Hairstylist to spice up there current look. Some cool Chicas to raise hell with. Someone who is not insecure who can take life with all it throws at you. There is no need for insecure bitches to apply!


|Myke ness..The man in black himself Jhonny cash.. Revrend Horton Heat..AFI..F.Y.P..The distillers..Sublime..Sick of it all..Bad Religion..Flametrick Subs..Bob Marley..Tool..The Vandals..Minor Threat..The Bouncing Souls..Buddy Holly..Billy Holiday..Maldita Vencindad..Mana..La Polla..Fobia..Control Matchete..Tiger Army..U.S. Bombs..Rancid..NOFX..Crass..he DOnnas..Ramones..One Man Army..Social Distortion..Stray Cats..Circle Jerks..Ghoultown..Ozma..Tsunami Bomb..Himsa..The Specials..The Dead Kennedys..Many many more!


The more obscure the movie the better...City of Lost Children...Amores Perros...Curdled...The chain saw masacre and almost any good classic horror flick cause the make great date movies you play the role oh I'm so scared oh look at me boo hoo.


I am ever so ashamed to admit that I do not watch to much T.V. when I do I love watching Dog the Bounty Hunter cause watching a fucking red neck with that fucking mullet is under Horror Flick Catagory!


Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin best book I ever could have purchased it has become my bible for all my make up application on my clients. I read allot I don't watch to much TV cause I'm usually reading. My favorite authors I must admit are Latino authors just cause when I read a book by them I fell we are on the same page. Such as Sandra Cisneros...Laura Esquivel...Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Chuck Palanuck has apsolutly blown me away so Far I have read all his books and must admit that CHOKE is my favorite by far.


My abuelita is number one. Followed by single mothers...survivors of child abuse...survivors of rape...any one who can take constructive critisism...any one who has gotten to the bottom of the barrel only to look up and get themselves out...recovering alchoholics...recovering drug addicts...ANY LADY WHO CAN TAKE PRIDE IN WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE INCLUDING OUR GOD GIVEN BODY SHAPES WITH ALL THE HIPS AND CURVES WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH!...

My Blog

When was the last time you told your mother you loved her.

My mother has recently had a really bad scare with cancer she had to back to Texas to seek medical attention cause of her insurance. The amazing part is that I did not realize how much I truly did lo...
Posted by Hell Kat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST