LL Cool Jake profile picture

LL Cool Jake


About Me

My name is Jake. I'm a graduate of EHS. Some call me Dawe, or Jackle Mackle which I'm cool with, it's original and has a cool ring to it. I like being physically active, and I try to wake up every morning before 7 to work out but it doesn't always work, lol.
I'm 6'ish with brown hair and blue eyes. I like to think that I am athletic, humorous, and smart. It's fun to laugh and let loose, I think that's the only way to live. You can't get caught up worrying about everything around you. You can't control it, and really, things are going to happen, so just let it be.
School wise, I got through Calculus and AP Senior English, along with Team Sports, Advanced Cartooning, Honors Government and Ceramics, etc., etc. In college I have taken The History of the Ancient World, Calculus with Analytical Geometry III and Psychology. Horrid schedule first semester, but I passed all my classes. This quarter I have a much more enjoyable schedule including History of the People of America, Space and Space Travel and Archaeology. Goal is to 4.0 it, so far so good.
AIM = Iamfriginawesome
Email = [email protected] Steam = JackleMackle

My Interests

Sports - The best way to release to let off steam and the pressures around you. It's really just a different world. My favorites include: baseball, frisbee, football, and basketball.

Friends - I'm always interested in my friends. I like to know what they're up to, what they like to do. I like having friends that will always stand by you through thick and thin and help you through the best of times and the worst of times.

The Great Outdoors

View from my front porch.

Taken on a hike up near the Big 4 Ice Caves.
There is seriously nothing better then the world all around us. There are so many things you can do outside. Going on long, grueling hikes test your mettle, while at the same time get you out of your normal life's schedule. It's so relaxing and peaceful out there. The setting in the wilderness is so absolutely amazing. You never know what's around the next bend. There are so many great views and unexpected situations to be had. Everyone should try it. Water is another aspect of the great outdoors I just love. Boating, swimming, just exploring the beach are all extremely fun.

Staying Active - Staying active is so important these days. I love running, biking, hiking, just getting out there and doing something. There is no better feeling then the feeling after a run or a long hike or bike ride. You feel exhausted, but you don't care. I don't really know how to describe it. It just feels good.

Doing Nothing
Howarth at sundown. No place I'd rather be.
Almost as important as being physically active. There has to be some time where you can just lay in your back yard under the sun and just think about things or nap. It is so refreshing to wake up after a two hour nap knowing you didn't do shit for the first time this week.

Music - The music scene, for me, has really blossomed in the past couple of years. I have started to go to concerts and find new bands and styles. I love listening to music. It always seems to have a positive effect on my mood. I know that how ever bad my day may be going, music will be there to cheer me up.

I'd like to meet:

Poor Conan!

People that are real and can take a few hits and still stand back up every time.


Very mood specific. Rap when I'm feeling pumped up, Modest Mouse-type music when I'm feeling happy. Jack Johnson, Beatles, etc., when it's time to relax. There's just so much I like, it's hard to pinpoint one specific type. I love discovering new music and just listening to it over and over until it gets old.


Office Space, The Big Lebowski...There are others, I just can't think of them now.


Around the Horn, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Pardon the Interruption, South Park, Scrubs, Sportscenter, Survivorman.


Really awesome to relax with...There's just not time anymore.


Barry Bonds, Tom Brady, Bill Gates

My Blog

It's over. Game over.

Well guys, today was the very last day of our formal education. If we wanted, we wouldn't have to go to school for one more period our entire lives. It's so crazy to think that this was it. This year ...
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 05:21:00 PST

The Diaries of 5-3-2007

This day had so much potential. The night before was Senior Ball, which was tons of fun, even though I was dateless. I had aspirations of going out on my boat in the morning, after two weeks of hard w...
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:06:00 PST

Major Myspace Overhaul

I decided to fix up my profile a little bit. It seemed to be too vague and boring, so I thought I'd open up and give a little more information about who I really am and what I like to do.
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:44:00 PST

motha fucka please

oh man i'm finally myspacing. i must be super cool now
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 08:50:00 PST

I'm pissed

no frosted flakes left :(((((((((((((((((
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Thu, 25 May 2006 02:55:00 PST

Yo, werd

This is my first entry and stuff. It's 10:30 on a Sunday night, and I didn't want to go to sleep, so I created this nigga. I might use this, lol.
Posted by LL Cool Jake on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 10:39:00 PST