Howdy! I have a passion for small venue music, discovering the incredibly deep pool of gifted singer/songwriters that pass through Portland. Although the song writing muses rarely pay me a visit, I love playing guitar and singing. Playing the music of others like Joni Mitchell and Patty Griffin has gotten me through some tough times in my life. I love the verse in Shawn Colvin's I Don’t Know Why
But if there were no music
Then I could not get through
I don’t know why
I know these things, but I do
Although not worthy of putting up a MySpace band page for, here are a few of the songs I've put up to share with my friends and family. (For space reasons, I'm afraid these are .wma files. My apologies if that doesn't work for you.)
Not Alone Patty GriffinTony Patty Griffin
For The Roses Joni Mitchell
Let Them In John Gorka
Two Days Roy Larsen - ok, the muses did drop by once.....
My other passions are beer, tennis, and Texas Hold’em. I love brewing beer at home or enjoying it at the wide variety of brew pubs here in the Pacific Northest. To help counteract the effects of beer on my weight, I play tennis 2 or 3 times a week. Poker is a new passion. I play strictly low stakes on line, mostly with my long distance Sweetie, but have dreams of retiring from my software engineering job and making it to the final table at the World Series of Poker. Yeah, right….