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mah Lidd0L L0ser.
mah b00ga.
The m0nkey b0i.
the *BEST* GAME `EVER! i was the RED 0h ish..0h ish.. 0n mah wayy h0me!
`By the WAY i W0N!
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see what had happn`ed was..&& then...
*my GayyL0rd f0ckerr.*
[MAN D0WN.. I ♥ this girl alot. We can laugh about anything together no matter what it is. She is the c00lest NERD I kn0w hand`s d0wn! I d0 kn0w that wheneverr. i need s0me0ne t0 talk t0 she will be There 4 me N0 QUESTI0N`s ask`ed..l0l I L0VE Y0U SISTERR.♥ 0H YEA..THR0W S0ME DEE`s 0N NAT]*shy shakeabutt*
[0kayy 0kayy this Lidd0l 0nee right here crack`s me up B. Shyy is a mess! Man the thing`s that she say`s @ time`s l0l. She is L0UD;; but 0veraLL that`s just her && ppL have `2 learn t0 deal wit it!! she keep`s it real 100% that`s why I ♥ Herr. && she kn0w im teLL`n the truth!!]*AMBREA...AMBREA...*
[Ha! this is AMBREA..AMBREA.. MAN Let`s just start W/ just that name al0ne. L0l W0W fuNNyyYy y0u kn0w reaLLy the hist0ry behind it is `CLasSic. she is like `mah Very 0wn Lidd0l SIDEKICK♥ she is aLway`s there when i need her!! && She g0TT madd style y0! `dUh. AMbrea y0u kn0w i g0tt nutt`n but love f0 ya!.]*Meekum`s*
[0k s0 Like this chick is mah sis no matter what. && we g0 wayy back Like tw0 fLat`s 0n a cadiLac. L0L naw but we went fr0m NSYNC && the SPICE GIRLS t0 the H0T B0YS && NELLY and da TICS. i can laugh with her about any && err`thing. but we had a CrAZZzzZzYYy chiLdh00d t0gether. we had a BIG imaginati0n. We w0uLd pLay in baskest...t0 jumping off the stairs 0f the apartment...t0 SELLING T0YS D00R T0 D00R. L0L YEA I KN0 CRAZYY. we had s0me fun time`s. We w0uLd aLway`s watch m0vies and basicaLLy anayLize them t0 where we noticed `erry Lidd0L thing no LIE. but she kn0 i ♥ her && wh0's the BALLER N0W W0DIE. ur LIKE S0 *GAY* && I Lubb DAT.]*jerm*
[This Lidd0L dude rite here is MAH JERM. *i was the `1 t0 give him that name 0n erry`thing.* but yea dis the LiL cuz`n. i remember when he was a LiL 0ne wit gLasses and f0LL0w`n us ar0und and `ish N0W he be making thang`s happen. He is aLway`s tryna make sumb0dy feeL STUPID. L0L. But he mean`s weLL! && he g0tt a Lidd0L swagg`er n0w and erry`thang. haha it is s00 funny t0 me when he get`s mad 0ver LiddoL stuff espeaiaLLy wit CarLa. L0L they be g0`n @ it. but it`s kinda wierd watch`n jerm get oLder && `ish eff`n wit girL`s and aLL b-cuz he mah Lidd0L jerm the worm. but i GUESS he n0t g0ne stay LiL 4ever. But i ♥ y0u yung`n && hey PUNK. i never g0t mah CD! L0L]*sL0wm0Ti0n*
[this pers0n rite here is Like the 0nLy chick i can taLk t0 ab0ut anything with. YUP da cuZz0! y0u kn0 she understands me... she Listens to me..L0L NAW im pLay`n.. but im seri0us. She s00 crack`s me up. the thing`s that she c0me up wit. She is aLway`s heLping me figure thing`s 0ut when it c0me`s t0 B0Y`s she is a Lidd0L sL0w @ times but that`s why she`s mah SL0WM0TI0N. i mean there are aLway`s th0se time`s where she is being a FAG && MEANIE HEAD..but i stiLL Lubb her && i have NO IDEA what i w0uLd d0 w/0ut her. **Tru st0ry.** s0 yea we are reaLLy cLose && i g0t her back && she g0t mine`s in a reaL way. "CAN I GET A SMALL FRY". hahaha. i ♥ y0u GINA. L0w keyy..L0w keyy.]*fuNNyy fResh*
[s0 y0u kn0 this dude rite here is s00 D0PE.
N0 LIE! but Eric is a funny kidd! && he keep a person laugh`n. He is Like a PICTURE WHORE. He is aLway`s taking pic`s! but he aLway`s tryna burn sumb0dy..L0L idk h0w but he end up hanging out wit mi B00`s♥ && `ish! haha. i remember when he w0uLd just caLL me 0ut in the caster just t0 taLk. b0ut what he been d0`n && g0`n thru!! =] he is such a busy b0dy! but he gett`n his gr0wn KIDD. 0n L0L! Eric y0u kn0 i Lubb ya Like a fat Kidd Lubb cake. he M0s `Def is FAM && a H0T H0E j/k. but y0u kn0 im stiLL ya Matisha haha. && IM GETT`N THE BANG`s BACK. =] YEZURRRR. ]*eLMeezZzYy*
[HA. this L0ser. is an0ther st0ry!! w0w it was kinda wierd h0w we met! N0 NEED T0 KN0 H0W i have kn0wn him 4 Like a yr. n0w if N0T L0nger! He is actuaLLy c00L 0nce y0u get t0 kn0 him. He is s00 samart t0 the p0int where he d0nt have any sense. L0L *think about it* He is sum what RUDE when he wanna be! && he Lies t0 me t00. haha YEAH he is a JERK. but in a good way! ELm0 keep`s me laugh`n t00 because he just say rand0m thing`s!! He is the 0nLy pers0n i kn0 that STAY. cheese`n && ish. L0L Ken Ken kn0 he sum what speciaL ♥ `2 me! i think. =/ s0 yup this dude is 0ff the waLL Like M.J. in his earLy day`s! ]
[This is a Lame name`d D.B. it`s nun ya bizbeSs h0w we met but kn0 dat it was *RAND0M.* S0 yea i stiLL think this Kidd. is a meaniehead. haha he juss be 4get`n b0ut me && `ish. @ time`s. && dat is s00 unawes0me!! But i end up gett`n @ him && Let him kn0 s0 he kn0 ab0ut it..L0L. this Lame can be a Jerk. @ 1`st because he wud NEVER answer his ph0ne && `ish. && he g0n say *i be caLL`n him fr0m f0rgein nums* LMB0! h0w he g0n pLay a GEE.. He think he `BALLINN. && he pr0LLy is but i d0ubt it..haha jk. i miss`d yu mister i have 2 sidekick`s juss bkuz!!]*bighead*
[info come`n s00n.]*Bestfriend aka .MAH NIGGA.*
[inf0 c0me`n s00n]*teMp*
[inf0 c0me`n s00n]*GeNia B.*
[inf0 c0me`n s00n]*yaya R0ckstar*
[This GurL right here came 0ut 0f nowhere 0n the space. But it`s c00L cause we kn0 sum 0f the same f0Lk`s. L0L! She aLway`s be M.I.A fr0m the space...but it`s aLL g00d cause i g0t her AIM n0w haha. =] Yeah she stay N New Y0rk where DIDDY run the City TAKE THAT..TAKE THAT! LMb0! S0 she supp0se t0 Be c0ming t0 CaLi N September ((N0 SRATCH THAT!!)) N December N0W! but she c0ming 4 BattLe Z0ne It`s g0ing d0wn.. Yu be the Judge! L0L CaLiF0rnia KN0w`s h0w t0 Party!! =] imma HURT ur REATIVE && FRIEND 4 Leaving the squad. L0L but mah r0ckstar chick is is SupperLy Awes0me. && dnt teLL ur Bestie mah secret haha. Yu betta be 0n *HUSH* M0de!]
i `lubb ::2:: watch the good show`s.. {{fresh prince. the best show everr., moesha,full house, family matters, boy meets world, the real world,. anyone, america`s top model, *a bunch more reality shows* ANYTHING THAT CAN MAKE ME LAUGH...`IM WATCH`N...
Addicted, Coldest winter ever, Fly girl, Yo Yo Love
MAH `L0Rd && SAV0r...*JESUS CHRIST* MAH MOMMA... umm..i GUess kenken he Is a LIFESAVOR..lol