ok. so i've completely neglected my space for about 4 or 5 months now..... so time to update!i love kitties and am a pisces to the core. i only buy things when they are on sale and i enjoy red wine and austrian beer. salsa dancing is hot and so is bikram yoga, and i love them both. my middle name is midori. passionate people inspire me. i have lots of piercings in my ears, and my mom always tells me if i pierce anything on my face, i won't be allowed in her house, so i stick to the ears. i like flowers and the smell of rain. people get scared when they ride in my car. music is my world and i always have a tune in my head. i enjoy a good pair of plaid or cordoroy pants and like being barefoot. if i have to wear shoes, weird ones make life interesting and people look at your feet a lot. i write poetry and prose and i love reading but never seem to have time to do it. running in central park when its cool outside is lovely. my head is a mess of curly hair, and i don't own a brush because it would just get stuck in my hair.sometimes when i see people cry, i cry too. i was born in canada and yes, people leave their doors unlocked there, and no we don't live in igloos. but i am an eskimo princess… and i'm half japanese before you ask- "what are you?" now you know.
? whateverlife.com