HwAaWrArIeIn profile picture


w a r r e n (is in) HAWAII

About Me

im WARREN.like in iraq. yenno..The WARRENIRAQ.=) parting out a 92 integra .find me on the streets dippin in a RSX or OG bang bus MPV AIM=RECOGN1Z3..center....DIV id="


well lookie here it..s my love WARREN!! yeah duude i freakin.. love this guyyyy =] he..s coool yo! except the first time i met him.. he was mean mean MEAN.but only because i guess i was too? haha siiiiike. and then i met him again.. and he was like the coolest everrr! so we became good friends, duh. seriously, he..s soo sweeet and such a pimp [haha jk]. his random visits to my house are always so awesome especially when he shares his burger king!! hahaha. oh man and he..s the ' W ' in A.W.A.k.E.[s]. so that makes him like 984535 times more awsomer than before =] oh dude. remember when we went to your house.. that one crazy night.. hahaha it's times like that.. that show i love yaaa no matter how much of a dork you are! we need to go on more adventures homie! i loveeee you warrennnn!

♥ erica the "e" in a.w.a.k.e.[s].
--050106 warren; mann i like barely see you anymore! i misss you! haha now we have the most random visits, but those are cool yo! i think they should happen more often! and we need to have tuesdays again. it..s been like.. foreverr since we..ve had one! like 2 months ago! literally! --ahh that..s crazy! haha well i just wanted to say hey =] mannn you..re just like too cool for me now.. haha i still loveee you!! & you still have my jacket yo! let..s go on an adventure homie! aww ladies, get at this kidd, he..s freakin.. tight!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a top flight kinda girl


P U R E H I P H O Pthe real shit


fuck movies




whats that?


FRIENDS and FAMILY.real friends never take advantage of you.-alEx is my favorite cousin Ü-

My Blog

shiiit son...my first car..new paint... special thanks to: JOE AND ERIC ESCUDERO = ) yadadmean

        BEFORE: AFTER: note: couldnt get black cuz it was like $37546564265.00 so i got "dark cherry metallic"    ................cant wait   ...
Posted by HwAaWrArIeIn on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:25:00 PST