intellegent and rational beings....and fellow comrades....hasta la victoria siempre
the ancient Greek thinkers known as the Pythagoreans believed numbers to be the most elementary principles of all matter, and because music can be expressed through mathematical ratios and such, the universe came to be perceived as a grand musical scale...
Ingmar Bergman, Filini, the crow(hehe), Lynch, trainspotting, the marx brothers, Dead Alive!!!!, Dela morte Del Amore, sex and Lucia, the revolution will not be televised, Chaplin and other silent films (Calagari), Donnie Darko,....
The Simpsons
WITTGENSTEIN (anyone who cares for philosophy should read The Philosophical Investigations) Nietzche, Whitman, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, Camus, Neruda, Plath, Kate Chopin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jose Saramago, James Joyce (hail), Italo Calvino, Camus, Shakespeare, Poe, Descartes (I don't necessarily agree with him, but his quest into the nature of mind is remarkable) and many others....
this is border line with the gods......FUCK OFF