Jozef profile picture


there's something stuck in your urnhole

About Me

I recently did a photo documentary on the independant record stores of Portland and decided to move here - just hoping to meet folks who will invite me to cool functions in PDX. And I am also working on the following:*update* I live in Honolulu now - I guess I have a little wonderlust when it comes to cities to live in. But the same pretty much applies - just hoping to meet folks who will invite me to cool functions in Hawaii.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any of the actors in the Karate Kid Trilogy. Also (in no particular order) queer, lonesome, disruptive, half-assed, sweaty, shy, poseur, spineless, pigeon toed, breathless, anti-social, pinko, autistic, topless, boring, cross-eyed, ugly, compulsive, no wave, stoner, homeless, stuttering, smelly, agoraphobic, lost, emotionally crippled, gutterpunks, porn addicts, punks, distraught, facially birthmarked, listless, pot head, cowardly, no underpant wearing, hysterical, hoarse, alcoholic, lesbian, raver, fashion victim, illiterate, dancer, obnoxious, geek, utterly undependable, loner, shoeless, looking for a fat lip, bulimic, greaser, dull, beautiful, obsessive, narcaleptic, scared, communist sympathizer or wonderful people.


anything on SaddleCreek, Dischord, Shrimper, Estrus, KRS, K, Sub Pop and Punk in my Vitamins


Hmm... It's a toss up between the Karate Kid Movies, Not Another Teen Movie (Mr T and Molly Ringwald are so f'ing boss) and Cabin Boy - If I was stuck on an Island I would take them all.


Lately books on Linux and Networking - but really I have far too much time on my hands to read. I once read a book about an alien who could only communicate by means of farting and tap dancing. He tried to tell a farmer that his house was on fire and the farmer shot him.


Tony Franciosa and people with real scars

My Blog

Vultures Never Die

repost from noah:Musician trapped in Lebanon
Posted by Jozef on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 02:02:00 PST

Subscriptions and Slovakia

Subcribing to blogs - my new favorite thing.My move to Slovakia has been rescheduled to mid to late November.
Posted by Jozef on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:45:00 PST

The Hangover

Day One.At 4:00 p.m. I wake up. By 9:00 p.m. I can make out shapes. I swearon the bible, although I don't actually own a bible, never again.Day TwoI am suprised to find a man asleep on my couch. He te...
Posted by Jozef on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:46:00 PST

Mr Beasley

After doing my chores this morning, I opened up my door to meet my new friend Mr Beasley (see photos in profile).  He seemed pretty motionless unless prodded or when I blew on him - so I figured ...
Posted by Jozef on Thu, 18 May 2006 06:59:00 PST

Sweep the Leg Johnny

Muay Thai is the coolest deal ever.  Where else can you see a crowd whipped into a frenzy by a band that sounds like the Star Wars Cantina Band shaken poorly in a tin can while two guys smile, ki...
Posted by Jozef on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 03:48:00 PST

Thai Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. The more I stay in Thailand the more I want to move here. The Thai's are the most amazing people I have met. Friendly, refined, gentle... even the animals here are frien...
Posted by Jozef on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:18:00 PST

Not Richard but Dick

Update on travels - I have tried eating every sort of phylum known to man.  Snake, Jellyfish, Shark fin, duck (although shark beat duck), yak, pig, cow, water buffalo, horse, cat, dog, scorpion, ...
Posted by Jozef on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:05:00 PST


Goa is pretty amazing. Nothing like I expected.   New pictures added to the server - sorry to the people on myspace who don't have access.  I've decided to take it a little more easy ...
Posted by Jozef on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 07:56:00 PST

Jozef in the Tropics

Goa rules in ways which I had never known.   They have this drink here called feni - it's illegal to distribute anywhere other than Goa.   Let's just say it's one of the most burly...
Posted by Jozef on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 02:18:00 PST

Bizzaro World

How to Freak Out Housekeeping - 1.  Put a teaspoon of tropical punch gatorade powder in the toilet, along with some TP and some chunks of custard apple.2. When housekeeping knocks on the door lay...
Posted by Jozef on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:30:00 PST