Any of the actors in the Karate Kid Trilogy. Also (in no particular order) queer, lonesome, disruptive, half-assed, sweaty, shy, poseur, spineless, pigeon toed, breathless, anti-social, pinko, autistic, topless, boring, cross-eyed, ugly, compulsive, no wave, stoner, homeless, stuttering, smelly, agoraphobic, lost, emotionally crippled, gutterpunks, porn addicts, punks, distraught, facially birthmarked, listless, pot head, cowardly, no underpant wearing, hysterical, hoarse, alcoholic, lesbian, raver, fashion victim, illiterate, dancer, obnoxious, geek, utterly undependable, loner, shoeless, looking for a fat lip, bulimic, greaser, dull, beautiful, obsessive, narcaleptic, scared, communist sympathizer or wonderful people.
anything on SaddleCreek, Dischord, Shrimper, Estrus, KRS, K, Sub Pop and Punk in my Vitamins
Hmm... It's a toss up between the Karate Kid Movies, Not Another Teen Movie (Mr T and Molly Ringwald are so f'ing boss) and Cabin Boy - If I was stuck on an Island I would take them all.
Lately books on Linux and Networking - but really I have far too much time on my hands to read. I once read a book about an alien who could only communicate by means of farting and tap dancing. He tried to tell a farmer that his house was on fire and the farmer shot him.
Tony Franciosa and people with real scars