:::model VALERIA & i thank u MASSIV 4 support'n "fashion week" (still n player). we hav more 2 come in this series. raghk w/ us! catch me on twitter (twitter.com/djraghkstar):::
...i see the world when i'm sittin on 4wheels...
:::welcome to the raghkstar revolution:::
get in touch:
[email protected]
:::well ok...mmmhmmm....the about me section...ok well 1st off its dj raghkstar (pronounced rockstar)...if u don't kno me & R new 2 this circumference & need a smidgen more N-sight N 2 the man that is on a quest 2 become UR favorite tastemaker dj & the man that calls himself "dj raghkstar" (well 4 internet purposes only-ha!) here R a few words about me, N "modest" summation:::
:::i am a person of free spirit, a mindless romantic, a music snob that's willing 2 share information 2 the silliest of musical sleg, an overeater, a chain smoker of musical tuneage, a belligerent fool, a media darling, a movie buff, a naturalist, a hippie, a soul sista AND brotha of ALL races combined N one man-like the 99 summer jam, a perfectionist of imperfections, a turntablist, a mix & re-mixologist, a percussionist, a Carolinian, a guitar player, a keyboardist, a freestyle king, a senseless simpleton that makes perfect sense, a coffee shop dweller, a party person, an occasional superstar, a person who loves 2 love, a superhero N training & a raghkstar...hows that:::
or just
look deeply & have yourself a