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About Me

Hello Dear Friends !

I'm Lisse...

I was born in October 2002.

My Mum thinks that the approximative date should be around the 18th...

But we ignore all about the conditions of my birth...

The first time she saw me, I was so scared and little...

I came from a very horrible petshop.

I was neglected and maltreated and she rescued me.

So, sometimes, I keep my instinct of mistrust with strangers.

But with people I know, I'm very soft and lovely.


She named me "Reglisse", which means "Liquorice Stick" in French.

But "Reglisse" is a too long name.

You can call me "Lisse".


In 2003, I was castrated because my Mum wanted to have a second rabbit.
And she didn't know if the new bunny would be a male or a female...

Mercure was born the 31st March 2003.
But Mum adopted him the 26th of May just after his weaning.
She called him "Mercure" (which means "Quicksilver" in French) because of his colour.
And also because that same year, she met one of her favourite writer, who wrote a beautiful novel called "Mercure".
He's a pure pedigree rabbit.
He's got an amazing fur's color : blue grey.
Mercure is also very tall (much more than me) and massive but adorable.
He licks the end of Mum's nose when she comes near his cage.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other rabbits. Mercury Rev. (They're so Lovely... !)

My Blog

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