PLEASE NOTE THAT CLICKING ON MOST OF THESE PHOTOS WILL TAKE YOU TO MY TATTOO PROFILE ( ), if you are interested in contacting me about getting a tattoo by me, you can contact me via either profile.
DJ Hawkmoon AKA: My first flesh canvas.
All tattoos are created using the hand picking method, which I like not only because hand picking can create some of the most stunning tattoos, but also because all equipment is new for each customer, each session so it is perhaps the most heigenic method of tattooing. If that is not enough; hand picking also causes less traumer to the skin than machine tattoos, so hand picked tattoos will usually heal a lot faster than machine tattoos (as long as you take the appropriate care of them).
Although I can be quite flexible with my working hours, I currently prefer to take bookings between 10am and 5pm.
I can be contacted via this MySpace profile, by emailing
[email protected] , or via my other profile:
I do custom and flash designs, and will work with you to create a design you are happy with.
I will be adding more, and better quality, photos shortly.
I've hada couple of people ask if I'm serious about allowing people to haggle over prices if they give me permission to put a photo of the finished tattoo in my online portfolio, and the answer is yes. I will not take a photo of a tattoo I did without permission, and I definately won't display any photo I take without permission. However, giving me permission to display a photo of my work really does help me, and I am therefore willing to help out people who give me that permission. BUT if you are going to haggle; please remember that, although I am a fairly new tattooist, but I don't need people taking the p*** or wasting my time - as much as I love tattooing, I do have expences to cover.
I do not work in a studio, and will tattoo friends at my place, and other people at their place or an agreed place.
The old demon, after so many battles, he finally rests.
See the four horsemen ride...
Here are some examples of common tattoo designs. For custom designs, plese contact me with details of what you would like to see, and arrange to meet me as I will not be putting any of my custom work on the 'net unless it is a photo of a finished piece.
This is the initial flier for my new project - you will have to click on it to see it full-sized - I don't have the time to edit that at the moment, sorry. I will edit it once I have the project on it's feet. If you are interested in booking The Lovecats, or joining us (we aim to provide a great atmosphear for those new to DJing, aswell as those with experience), you can contact me via this MySpace profile, or by emailing
[email protected]
The reason for this is that Psychozombie has had to re-locate to the Midlands till at least November 2010. Once settled, she will look into getting a local venue, and will make sure to provide details of local hotels and transport.
Many apologies for the inconvenience.
Band recomendations and requests for gigs are still welcome, and all will be considered for future PZP events.
Friday the 20th of March 2009 will be the last PZP event until further notice.
PLEASE CHECK THIS MYSPACE PAGE FOR ALL FUTURE PSYCHOZOMBIE PROMOTIONS UPDATES AS IT IS THE ONLY SITE I CURRENTLY MAINTAIN, any others may not have accurate information - including those previously run by members of the PZP team.
The information below about Psychozombie Promotions events will be left up as a reminder that we are not gone for good, and to save me the time it takes to put it all back up again when work allows me to settle back in London.
If you would like fliers for Psychozombie Promotions events posting on your profile, please add my other profile: (AKA: psychozombiepromotions in my top friends). I have set that profile up to act as a mailing list, this is still my main profile.NEXT BLOOD AND VELVET:
Friday the 20th of March 2009 - free entry for all, every month. I know it doesn't say it on the flier, but it's true!
If you are a DJ or are in a band and are interested in doing any sets at B&V, please get in touch - either through MySpace, or by emailing
[email protected] (subject: "Band/DJ wants B&V set." If the set has to be between certain dates, you may want to include a "from DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY").
My partner and I opened B&V in September 2006, we started in The Lord Nelson, moved to The Old Kings Head, and have now found a permanent home in The Bedford Park. Not only is it a great alternative venue, but the food's good too.
Blood And Velvet dates 2009:
16th of January,
20th of February,
20th of March,
17th of April,
15th of May,
19th of June,
17th of July,
21st of August,
18th of September,
16th of October,
20th of November,
18th of December.
All Psychozombie Promotions Events are open until people stop buying drinks. The venue has a late licence, so if people are still buying drinks at 4am or later, we will still be open.
If you are a DJ or are in a band and are interested in doing any promotional sets at Territus, please get in touch - either through MySpace, or by emailing
[email protected] (subject: "Band/DJ wants Territus set." If the set has to be between certain dates, you may want to include a "from DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY").
ABOUT THE PSYCHOZOMBIE PROMOTIONS ENTRY CHARGE: All Psychozombie Promotions events are run on a non-profit basis. The entry charges are there to cover expences. Expences are promotional materials (such as fliers), band payment, and DJ payment. Any extras made are saved up to put towards future events. Anything that isn't covered by the door takings and saved money is paid for by me and/or my partner. All Psychozombie Promotions entry charges are between £3 and £5, any discounts available for the event will be printed on fliers (which can be seen and printed from this page if you can't find any). The only discount not mentioned on fliers is that showing your LGMG membership card at any Psychozombie Promotions event will get you £1 off the stated flier price - you do not have to have a flier for this to apply, but you do need to have an LGMG card. THE ONLY TIMES YOU CAN EXPECT AN ENTRY CHARGE IS IF A BAND IS PLAYING.
FINDING THE BEDFORD PARK ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Frequent direct trains to Streatham station, opposite The Bedford Park, run on the Thameslink line from Bedford and Luton via, amongst others, West Hampstead, Kentish Town, King's Cross and London Bridge. Starting from London Bridge, there are other direct trains (West Croydon, for example) and it's just 20 minutes to The Bedford Park. If you're passing near Victoria station, you might want to try going to Streatham Hill station from there as it's a much shorter journey (15-20 min) but it's a longer walk from the station to the Bedford Park (turn right out of the station, cross the road, past the cinema, 5-10 mins). Tooting Bec Northern Line tube station is a slightly longer walk again (or take the 249 bus).
Also, there are the usual buses (50, 109, 118, 133, 159, 201, 249, 255, 319, 333, G1, P13), night buses (N133, N137, N159) and 24 hour buses (57, 250).
LOST PROPERTY: if you loose anything at a Psychozombie Promotions event and it is handed in or found at the end of the night when my team and I tidy up, you can collect it at the next Blood and Velvet or Territus. MY TEAM AND I ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING YOUR LOST PROPERTY - if it is not handed in or left to be found at the end of the night, there is nothing we can do. If you think you left something, you can send me a MySpace message or email
[email protected] to see if it was found or handed in (subject "Lost property DD/MM/YYYY"). I will say again that my team and I are not responsible for finding lost property.
CAMERAS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS: I am aware that people like to take photos and videos of their friends or bands on a night out, however, if you are at one of my events and there isn't a band performing at the time, ALL PSYCHOZOMBIE PROMOTIONS EVENTS ARE CAMERA AND VIDEO CAMERA FREE ZONES. The reasons for this are:
Firstly; some of the regulars at my events have the sort of jobs that they could loose if photos or videos of them at alternative events turn up on the internet.
Secondly; everyone, including the DJs and promoters have the right to a night out without ending up in photos or videos that could end up on the internet.
Thirdly; if anyone who didn't want to be caught on film thinks they have been, it's my job to go and sort the problem out. I am often far too busy while an event is running to play the game of "how does this model of camera work", so, unless you are the sort of person who is nice enough to show the person complaining all the photos they could have been in (and delete any they are in), I (or a member of my team) will confiscate the camera (even if it's a phone camera) until I have a chance to sort it out. If it's not a digital camera, the person with the complaint will be asked if they mind me having the film developed to see if they are in the photos. If they are not happy for that, you need to convince them that they don't want the film to be trashed (tricky if you get someone whose job may be at risk).
Bottom line: There are always parts of the room where you will only catch people who want to be caught on camera. If you really have to take a photo or video, please do it in one of those places, with a digital camera, and obviously away from those who haven't given their permission for the camera to be aimed at them. Thank you.
MUSIC REQUESTS: I've been asked several times how people can make music requests/if advanced requests can be made. Obviously you can go and ask the DJs on the night (DJs will usually play requests one or two songs after receiving them. If there is a delay, it is usually because a song by the requested artist has been played within the previous half hour or so). Also, if you want to send advanced requests for any reason, either MySpace me or email
[email protected] . If you do choose to make requests in advance, please remember to include the date of the event you are going to, and - if you won't be there from the start - the time you intend to arrive, if you don't, the DJs may assume that you will be there from the start of the next event, and you could miss some of your requests. Also, it would be really helpful if you could also remember to fill in the subject as "Music requests for DD/MM/YYYY". If you send any requests on the day of an event, I will need to receive them by 11:30am. Although I can sometimes check MySpace and emails as late as 5:30pm on the day of an event, sometimes the latest I can check is 12pm.
CONTACTING PSYCHOZOMBIE PROMOTIONS: If you need more information on any of my events, I can be contacted through MySpace (obviously), or at
[email protected] . If you are going to email me (or send a MySpace message for that matter), please remember to fill in the subject box. I do get a lot of mesages and emails, and I don't have the time to read them all at once.
Some people have asked for a text or phone number to be provided for Psychozombie Promotions events. I am happy to provide one, but I would like to point out that all the information for each event can be found on this page and on . I do know that the .tk site is not updated as often as this page. I also know that firefox browsers sometimes have problems viewing all .tk sites (not just mine) if you see any problems with the .tk site (or this one for that matter), you need to email me, not phone me. If I'm not able to check my emails at that moment, I won't be able to fix any website problems. If you want to become my friend (defined as "person I would meet for a drink or something"), use MySpace or come to my events. IF YOU ARE GOING TO EMAIL, TEXT, OR CALL ME AND I DON'T KNOW YOU, don't expect a reply about anything not related to one of my events (as I said, if you want to be my friend, you can use MySpace), and IF YOU CAN FIND A REASON TO CONTACT ME ABOUT ONE OF MY EVENTS, only text or phone me if it's something that really can't be sorted out through MySpace or email (like you are lost on your way to the event, or you've left your hat at one of my events and you don't think you can get back before the event closes - remember that my team and I are not responsible for lost property, and can't help you if the item has not been handed in or left at the end of the night). OK, now that I've cleared that up, you can text or call 07847583761. Oh, and one more thing; I'm a bar maid, my working hours are likely to change from week to week, and even if I can answer my phone at work, it's likely to be too noisy to talk, so please don't expect that just because I could take a call at a certain time one week I will be able to the next.
I run my events with my partner, Alcuin.
OTHER EVENTS: I am happy to support/help promote events other than my own provided that they do not clash with my own events. If you are interested in flier exchanges or other promotional exchanges for events, please contact me.
This MySpace page is likely to be updated with Psychozombie Promotions news before
I have two cats (Persephone and Tyranny), and two gerbils (Hecate and Screaming Banshee Aircrew).
Want to know more about me? Talk to me.
Free gothic layouts at
BANDS, FILM MAKERS, ETC. WISHING TO PROMOTE THEMSELVES BY ADDING VIDEO/PICTURE COMMENTS ARE WELCOME TO DO SO. But as this page can be viewed by people of all ages, I would appreciate it if video/picture comments that are unsuitable for the under 18s could be posted with a text warning above them.
Failure to include a warning does not mean that I will remove the comment (unless I am asked to do so by people giving good reasons). After all, the classification of the art is down to the artist, not me. Besides which, if someone really wants to see something on MySpace that is set for 18+, all they have to do is change the date of birth on their own profile.
Myspace Clocks , Halloween Clocks at