About Me
There is no censoring words here...language get's pretty bad around here...just a heads up
I'm not really into religious music too much, but, if I like the sound, and it's not shoving religion down my throat, we're cool, lol
Music is the best medicine =) Whenever I'm down, or in a bad mood, I turn the radio on, or pop in a cd, or listen to my iPod. That's all I need to make it through the day. I could list all the types of music that I like, but that's a super long list. So instead, I'm going to say, I DO NOT like rap, hip-hop, country, or r&b. There are NO exceptions to these.
Well hopefully anyone that sees this profile will enjoy the bands on here. Feel free to add if you like what you hear...and you can always suggest other bands that I can add on here too. I will try to have a new song either every week, or every other week from a band in the top 8 space.
My Blog
Hmmm, American Idol....Cody Sheldon...LOVE IT!!
So, I know most of you won't care too much about this, or are really, REALLY busy, and don't watch much TV or whatever. I just wanna say, this year for American Idol, I think it's gonna be really good...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:23:00 GMT
First blog, and I just want to say...My main goal for this particular myspace account, is to help everyone get out there. I love music with such a strong passion, I wish I was musically talented like ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 00:36:00 GMT