lillly[sdk] profile picture


[♥] shaped box

About Me

I'm 'adorkable'...true I'm Lillly... Easy to hate...even easier to fall for I will be your best friend one minute but that other minute you do me wrong...I can and possibly will become your worst enemy Don't let it come to that Ima Arce =] learn to love me.. I'm worth it ♥...peace love and bulletproof marshmallows ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This layout is from!

My Interests

Being in the comfort of my home The infamous Mickey's and or Jager bombs ♥Music♥ Simplicity Bright colors Tequila Sunrise Driving Dancing guitar playin' singin' Disneyland Sarcasm/Humor Random moments Coloring Abstract art Art in general Tattoos/Peircings([I have neither but I like them] Miami Ink Laughlin=Lake Havasu=fun Puzzles bingo board games Video games on 64 Rain Concerts/Shows Long roads Eating food food Photography Loud music Intellectual conversations Being SMRT Shopping Walgreens and Target RedSour Patch Kids pounding shotguns changing my hair color like every month or so hangin' with the best krew ever[sdk] dvd nut limewire/itunes take up alot of my time hehe the beeeeeach although I hardly go thinking being suuuper runs in my blood =] talking with meshell[new sister] cause shes cooo despite her being a gl♥w =] I have a thing with the number's a good number Myfriends Myfamily Mylifeme in a nutshell well, kinda=>

I'd like to meet:

These kids are thee best!

The Friends

The Family ♥

to be continued...


Ialllll music
I'll listen to anything my ears can handle...but I do like
The Used
Justin Timberlake
Massari[canadian rap supastar]
Chemical Brothers
Frantic Taste =]
The Bled
Circa Survive
Hollywood Undead
DJ Khaled
The Faint
August Burns Red
213[old school]
Linkin Park
DJ Felli Fel
a bit o' Kanye =]
Steve Miller Band
The Cure
Depeche Mode
Cypress Hill
Beastie Boys
and lotssss more=]


Pretty much any Disney movie..they're cute I'll watch anything that looks like it's worth my time


Top Chef
Project Runway
The Simpsons
Big Love
The History and Travel Channel
Almost anything on Comedy Central
Miami Ink
Pretty much any show/cartoon on Nick or Disney


I ♥ the harry potter books, life&style magazine and InTouch Weekly
Death Be Not Proud
For One More Day
Don't Fence Me In
I'll just say I read a lot=]


mommy and daddy♥ because they're freakn'awsum like that...wordand my brothers and sisters...cause they're pretty awsum too.

My Blog

Darn you shmeagle!

I've been tagged!! Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their na...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:00:00 PST

The mini history on....

me =]]]01. Raised in: Los Angeles,California02. Planned baby: Haha...I'm pretty sure03. Birth date: Dec.10th04. Any siblings: Ohhh yea..05. Younger or older: older...I is thee baby06. Hair color: brow...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 01:20:00 PST

check it...

 A-Z Current mood: Night Owl...can't sleepA - Available? somewhat.A - Age: Almost 20... =)A - Annoyance: wha?B - Best Buddies? Pretty much everyone I know...B - Bar: The Wagon Wheel lolB - Birth...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:10:00 PST

aminals(yes i know i spelled it wrong)

you know ima pretty big animal ♥er like i adore horses..ever since i was a tint tot...they are huge but i love the fact that i know how gentle they can be when treated right of
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

im soooo over it

yessss im finally over the freakin week long stooooooopid cold no mas coughing no mas sneezing no mas sniffling i can actually taste my food now sweet :)...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:00:00 PST

yeah i was bored

Where were you born? East not a gangsta so dont trip How old are you? ninteeeeeeeeenDo you have a crush on a cartoon? hmmmm...negativeDo you like/love some one? like duhWhere would you rather...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:30:00 PST

about meee

yeah i've been through alot...more than i can handle but i gotta deal with it you know..the biggest ordeal i had and still have to this day is being myself.I grew up with five older brothers and siste...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:08:00 PST

and so...

i feel sicky..this is not cool... i havent been sick for like ages and boom i wake up with a sore throat and plugged ears...ew i better get well like asap cuz im going to a concert on wednesday w...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:12:00 PST

yea yea friends kinda suck when....

ok so like i was thinking about friends and life and how people treat people....its kinda weird.. some people actually suck!!!..ewww ive always been a good person and i have always been a friend backe...
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:15:00 PST

Check out this video: Flames vs bunnies

Posted By:MaryGet this video and more at
Posted by lillly[sdk] on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:23:00 PST