{C.i.NDY} profile picture


...me ENCANTA q tu seas el dueno de mi corazon...

About Me

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yooo!!! wuz good? this is Cindy...aka La Alli...aka La Bella...aka La Cherry...lol... NEwayz...im here chillin in boring azz VA! i recently got out of heII hole...i mean high school...N im so glad! now im a real estate agent, N im also CSR...makin that money...i hate this question "so wut do u like to do for fun?" iz the same answer everytime so...lemme just answer it once N for all...aight...i like to chill, go out N have a good time...i love spendin time with my man, i LOVE to dance. BASICALLY like to do wutever keeps me entertained. if there`s nothin better to do, ill go eat dinner o lunch, N watch a movie...yup...boring azz VA!lemme just say somethings that`ll give u an idea of who i am...im short N sweet, but i take care of myself...this means that if i gotta be a bitch, then i will...aight...i like to laugh N joke but i kno when iz time to be serious...i like when guys kno that too...hmm...im real TIRED of these dumbass fools that play all these dumbass games...umm, just to set it clear...just bcuz u buy dinner, don`t mean u bought yaself a fuck! aight...whoever the dumbass was that started that, i feel sorry for u bcuz u needs to get ya shit checked out...eewwwww...on that topic, there`s a difference between bein freaky N bein nasty!!! aight...lez get that clear...wut is wrong with girls f*ckin girls to prove that they`r freaky? nah honey, u just plain old NASTY!!! dirty N not in a "good" way...(i don`t understand how dirty could mean good NEway, but wutever)...NEwayz...im pretty straight forward bout things, i like to keep it real N i kno so many people say they like that N then in the end, they can`t handle it...o well...i don`t really get along with many females...sorry but most are TRIPPIN off some dumb shit...no entiendo...but wutever, i feel sorry for the poor men that gotta-nah, my bad-CHOOSE- to put up with it...that i REALLY don`t understand...but ok...wutever makes u "happy" right? lez see...things that are important to me~love of God N eachother, honesty, respect, trust, N intelligence...these are the basics of any relationship whether it be with ur lover, or a friend...wutever...just so we`r clear-i gots 3 babies. 1 is my 17 year old sister, TiTi, then my 5 year old sister, Genesis, then my 2 year old brother, Luis...even tho the last 2 r my half~siblings i love them NEway just the same!!! i am a big romantic...N i admit it...i wanted have a man that makes me fall in love with him EVERYDAY bcuz he`s so damn sweet! i wanted him to drive me crazy in every possible way! mm hmm...i appreciate the lil things, like a phone call just bcuz u were thinkin bout me, roses bcuz u saw them N thought i`d like them, surprise me by comin to my house bcuz u wanted to see me...damn! iused to ask where those were men at? but then i found one...haha...im one of those girls that loves to love...i love to take care of my man...for example, i`d cook him dinner bcuz i wanted to do something nice for him, i`d rub his back after a long day at work, play videogames-yes, i CAN get into it!- watch the game N boxing matches with him...i treat my man like a king, but he gotta treat me like a queen...mm hmm...good luck to all u poor females waitin for a man like that to come by bcuz i kno iz hard, but not impossible to find...i kno, bcuz i ofund one! soo...i like to dance, in fact, i love dancin...i found one that is romantic, can dance N kiss...DAMN, that means im gettin married..!hahalemme see...some things i`ve learned: ~one has to live life to make themselves happy...once ur happy, then worry bout the rest of the world bcuz trust me, they r NOT worried bout u! ~God knows wut He`s doin!!! so stop tryin to make things go ur way...ask Him to help u to get REAL results! we`r not always as smart as we think...sorry ~learn to forgive! bcuz, for real, the only person ur hurtin is U! ~learn to apologize...see iz not bout pride, iz bout ur own peace... these r the most important...just thought i`d share some knowledge...i wanna say some things to some important people... *TiTi~I LOVE U, MAMI!!! u`ve got to be the best sister out there N EVERYDAY i thank God for the gift of u! u my heart N so much more! thank u for ALWAYS covering for me N helpin me out when im losin my mind...ur cynical sarcasm N view on reality always brings me back to life! MUAHZ!!!!! thanx for always listenin to me, (`specially bcuz i kno that half the time u dont wanna, but u do NEway!) iz good to kno that wutever life brings us we got eachother, N im blessed to be stuck with u! hehehe love u TiTi Flakizz! *Tony~AMOR!!!! babe, wow, isn't it funny how life works out. i knew God knows wut He's doing. but why'd it takes so long for ME to open my eyes N realize u were here all along? man! we could've done this 5 years ago, ( i would say started, but it was started, just paused a few times...hehe) but yea...NEway, my lil Chinosky, TE AMO!! ur awesome!!! haha...BESOS Mi Vida *Nattaly~GIRRRL!!!!! lol...damn, we been thru sum shiiiiiit! lol...u kno, im so glad to have u in my life...la vida seria tan aburrida sin ti! u always gots my back N u kno my short azz gots ur`s too! i wish u the best of luck with ur new hubby, Eddie Spizghetti!!! (wuz crackin, cuzo pt. II? yo u better take good care of my cuzo, man, that girl deserves the BEST!!! i don`t doubt u tho). i love my lil man, Anthony!!! thaz my lil homie...he`s gonna grow up to be a REAL man! N im glad he can help teach Javi too. CONGRATULATIONS on my 2nd Godson ass well, i've said just hadn't put it on my page! i kno they gon` make Mommy, Daddy, N Tia real proud! u kno wut Cuzo? after everything u been thru, u r a woman to be proud of...N i am so proud of u! MUAHzzz!!! i LOVE u, Cuzo!!! *Joanna~MIJA! can u say drama? haven`t we had too much in our short lifetime? damn! didn't i tell u God would bless us?! mm hmm, He gave u Arun N me Tony, N they lucked out, but then again, so did we! good luck to the two of u, may u ALWAYS make eachother happy. LOVE U MAMA!!! *William~AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! i dunno how u put up with me but thank u for doin so! i was blessed the day i met ur crazy azz N u dunno how happy i am to have u in my life!!! u mean so much to me N i seriously have no idea wut i would do without u! ur ALWAYZ there for me thru it all-the family issues, man issues, school issues, friends,EVERYTHING!!! i am so grateful for u! I LOVE U SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! ur THE best N wer ALWAYZ gonna be close, guste a quien le guste! ya heard! un BESOTE for u lokito!!! *Gabriel~MY FAVORITE GABRIEL IN THE WORLD!!!! hahaha...well, my little politician, we've come a long way! N don't worry, ill delete NEthing encriminating for ur campaign! haha...i love u my lil "teletubbie"! "BURH!!" *Carla~HEY GIRL!!! thank God u found ur way to us! u N Diamond r the new addition to the fam N i welcome u! lol...for the short time i got of knowin u, we already makin sum vicious memories...we gon` be think bout this time for a WHILE! lemme tell u...! lol...iz funny how well we clicked...iz a Capricorn thing...lol...take care of yaself N ur beautiful baby girl Diamond...may God guide u in raisin her so that she becomes a beautiful RESPECTABLE young woman...love y`all! muahz!!! *Chulie~hey momma! u kno u gotz to be the calmest one out the whole damn family! lol...N we`ve talked bout that...but umm...ur gonna learn...girl, i love u SO much! u one of the sweetest persons on this sick planet. i hope u never lose that...one day i kno God will bless u with a good man thaz deservin of u...somebody that will love N respect all ur dreams, fantasies, N beliefs...u kno ur big prima here gots ya back N i WILL beat some cul* for u, nina! MUAHZ!!!!! *The ZambAvalos Crew~DAMN!!! iz been forever!!! well, almost...15 years now? yea! I LOVE Y`ALL SOOOOOOO VERY MUCHO!!!!!!! i can`t believe how much we`ve been thru...N u kno ladies? one day God will bless us with our blu princes bcuz we deserve them...N to the ZambAvalos menzz...i love u guyz too...Dios les regalara unas mujer q los merescan bcuz u guys are great! MUAHZzz! *GOD~Dear Heavenly Father, i wanna thank U for the blessing of bein here another day livin on this earth close to those that i love...i wanna thank U for forgivin me each N everytime i mess up, N i kno how often that is...i kno im not perfect, but im tryina be the good girl im supposed to be. thank U for lookin out for me like U have...I LOVE YOU N i honor Ur name...thank U, once again, for all the blessings...AMENi wanna thank all them haters! hehehe...bcuz iz thanx to u that im as strong as i am! i really feel sorry for u bcuz ur hearts r sick with hate N i pray that God will cleanse u N help u find ur way to Him bcuz He can forgive u for sure! im still workin on it...God Bless u NEway...i kno i have many more names but ima run outta space so sorry...just kno that ur in my heart N if not there at least in my head ;-)...un beso...MuAhZ!!!i wanna thank everybody that took the time to read this, bcuz u saved me some...thanx for provin to me that ur not illiterate N that ur genuinely interested...now go ahead N write me a note, if u do it right, ill hit u back, if not, sorry N i hope u get the hint...aight...take good care N behave...~*~un Kizz de La Cherry~*~GOD BLESS
How to make a Cindy
1 part friendliness
3 parts silliness
3 parts leadership
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little lustfulness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
About Yourself
The 411...
First name:: Cindy
Middle name:: Allison
Like your name?: hmm...i guess, not really...dont kno
Named after anyone?: nope
Nicknames:: Alli, Cinny, Chinny, Bella, Nina, Doncella, Cherry, uh-i think thaz it
Birthday:: January 9th 1987
Current location:: 703 VA
Height:: 5'2 N sum cm!!!
Like your height?: mmm...yea...im short N wut!
Eye color:: real? Brown
Contacts/glasses?: both...depends
Hair color:: dark brown
Natural hair color:: dark brown
Righty or lefty?: righty
Your Favorite...
Type of music:: hmm...rNb, maybe reggaeton, o bachata...cant decide
Band or singer:: hmmm...too many to start...but i do like Aventura, Lil Rob, 2Pac, Nas, Mary J Blige, Ivy Queen, Don Omar, damn, lemme stop...
T.V. show: hmmm...novelas...aww man, i kno!
Movie:: Hotel Rwanda, Four Brothers, Crash, Scarface, Carlito's Way, Godfather (all of 'em), Blood In Blood Out, i think my list is gettin long...
T.V. channel:: uh-the food network? haha...Univision, Bet, Style, E!,
Radio station:: uh- 93.9, 95.5, 99.1
Place to be:: mmmm...swingin on a hammock on the beach in El Salvador, eatin manguitos tiernos or minuta
Thing to do:: mmm, eat...haha...nah, spend time with the people i LOVE!!! (baby...;-D) ...
Food:: oo man!!! really mean ?...i cant DECIDE at all!!! but one of 'em is my mama's sopa de mariscos...o N of course, hehe, my shrimp
Non-alcoholic drink:: CHERRY COKE
Alcoholic drink:: La Cherry...my friend invented it ( love u NateDogg)...iz half Vodka, even amount of Midori N Peachtree Schnapps, N a lil bit of Sprite...add a GREEN cherry
Animal:: uhh-white tiger...
Insect:: EEEWWWW...ni uno
Holiday:: uh-my birthday...hmm...N Christmas-food N presents? duh!!
Season:: uh-Spring...no-Summer-well, maybe Autum. nah- Winter? i dunno
Place to shop:: o man o man!!! Tysons-nah, maybe Pentagon!
Actor:: hmmmm...ima say...Johnny Depp
Actress:: aww man! Angelina Jolie's sexy ass
Scent:: hmm...BLVGARI Notte...inspired by dark chocolate N vodka..mmh mmh mmh
Instrument:: uhh...piano
Restaurant:: o man...chino-PFChang's, Mexican-Rio Grande Cafe o Rosa Mexicano, Italian-Carabbas, Seafood-Bonefish...i think thaz it
Fruit:: hmmm...manguitos tiernos, granadias, CHERRIES, strawberries,
Vegetable:: umm...cucumbers, tomatoes,
Fast-food place:: eewww...but if i goota choose-Checkers
Pizza topping:: extra cheese
Ice cream:: O MAN! the GobFather...Ben & Jerry's
City:: hmmm...
Magazine:: Cosmopolitan
Color:: either blue or really DEEP red
Number:: umm...3...
This or That...
Chocolate or Vanilla:: CARAMEL!!!
Pepsi or Coke:: Coke...Cherry Coke
Hot or Cold:: hmmm...if im single-hot, if im not-cold
Black or White:: brown...
Dog or Cat:: DOG...dont like no cats
Morning or Night:: NIGHT
Cars or Trucks:: cars
City-life or Country-life:: umm...somewhere in the middle...with mucho land
French Toast or Pancakes:: french toast
French Fries or Onion Rings:: french fries
Hamburger or Hotdog:: PUPUSAS
Pepperoni or Sausage:: eeewww...bacon
Britney or Jessica:: EEEWWWWWWWWWW...HELL NO...id rather be deaf
Boxers or Briefs:: boxers...maybe boxer-briefs, dependin on the body
McDonalds or Burger King:: Mickey D'z i guess...but Checkers is better
Thanksgiving or Easter:: THANKSGIVING!!!
Canada or Mexico:: El Salvador
Hugs or Kisses:: oooo...KISSES
Giving or Receiving:: umm...depends on wut we're talkin about...
Movies or T.V.:: MOVIES!!!
Truth or Dare:: hmm...who im playin with?
Do You...
Shower daily?: wtf?! DUH!!!
Sing in the shower?: haha...yea...shhh
Collect anything?: umm...letters
Have any pets?: my stepdad
Like to sing?: in private
Like to dance?: O OF COURSE!!!
Pray?: all the time...i need forgiveness N help whenever im awake
Go to church?: uhh-sometimes...i need to go back
Like to read?: yea...ima nerd
Go hunting?: nope...well, for guys...hehehe...just to look tho
Like rollercoasters?: o of course
Like to swim?: yea...im not that good
Smoke?: uh-no?
Drink?: uh-no?
Cuss?: oh man...yea...
Get sick often?: nah
Talk to yourself?: uh-
Believe in yourself?: Hell Yea...shiiiiit, if i didn't i wouldnt be here today...
Play an instrument?: i used to play piano, but i kinda suck
Like any weird foods?: umm...i put Ranch on ALMOST everything
Have any phobias?: uh-not gettin married
Live alone?: nope...N as much as i would like, dont see that happenin, all the runaways look for me...hahaha
Like the snow?: yea...aslong as iz still PURE WHITE!
Want to get married?: HELL YEA!!! DUH!
Want kids?: yup
Think you're trustworthy?: yup
Think you're funny?: haha...i dunno, people laugh at the stupid shit i say so...
Believe in ghosts?: aww man...spirits...dunno if thaz the same thing
Believe in fate?: yup
Believe in Santa?: aww man, i kno the fat man in red dont exist
Own a blender?: DUH!!! but iz not as nice as NateDoggz $2000 one
Do drugs?: noo
Wash your hands frequently?: uhh-after i use the ladies room N before i cook or eat
Brush your teeth often?: duh
Laugh often?: haha...yea...
Get along with your parents?: umm...
Get along with your siblings?: hell yea...i love TiTi N Genesis Y El Gordo
Like to drive?: yup
Like surprises?: uh-depends
Have You Ever...
Toilet-papered a house?: lo mna...yea...hehehe
Gone garbage tipping?: ewww...hell no
Broken the law?: uh-yup...
Been arrested?: hahaha...nah im not stupid...sorry to offend the homies...
Been out of the country?: DUH
Made out with a stranger?: nah
Been in love?: *sniff, sniff* yea
Caught a fish?: yup
Hit a deer?: man o man...nah
Had a bloody nose?: yea
Had surgery?: nope
Been beaten up?: nope...sorry bitches
Beaten someone up?: hehehe...sorry bitches
Been up a mountain?: yup
Been rootin'?: wut?...gringos...
The Last...
Thing you ate:: cookies N creme bar...mmh mmh mmh
Person that called you:: TONY!!!
Person that you called:: uh-im really bad at this...
Time you got drunk:: uh-Friday Night
Place you got drunk:: uh-im not answerin that!
Person you watched a movie with:: Waleska, Lorena N ervybody! haha
Person you went shopping with:: uh-Eww Will....he likes to go by Ill Will but...
Person you hugged:: TiTi
Person you talked to online:: Daniella
Person you dated:: uh-iz been so long!
Stupid thing you did:: O MAN!!! hahaha...lez not start
Concert you went to:: aww man-does MegaFest count?
Present you received:: uh-stuff from Vikki's... ;-)
Random Questions...
Your parents' names:: Jose y Ana...spanish people...
Your siblings' names:: Ana(aka TiTi), Genesis, y Luis
Do you live in the moment?: umm...i try
Your favorite childhood memory:: o man...sleepin in the Zambranos car with the Zambavalos crew with covijas N shit on our way to NEwhere
Would you change your name?: yup...well...no
What do you like about your family?: we're all crazy!!!
Are your parents divorced?: aww man...yea
Do you consider yourself tolerant?: umm...NO
The best advice you've been given:: no te enojes, te van a salir arrugas...(dont get mad, ur gonna get wrinkles)
Your favorite inside joke:: aww man...too many!!!
How does your hair look?: straight N in layers...really long
Ever killed an animal?: uh-poor ducks! im sorry, i was only 2!!!
Your biggest fear:: dyin lonely...that N not goin to HEAVEN!!!
Are you passive or agressive?: AGRESSIVE
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?: WTF...gringos...
Your bedtime:: whenever my eyes decide to close
The book you are reading:: Bound By Honor By Bill Bonano
What's on your mousepad?: ummm...$$$
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?: umm...SHOES!!! N clothes, N purses...aww man...o N makin money...the BUSINESS
Can you speak any foreign languages?: yup...español et un pue de francais
Are you a smartass?: umm..yea...sorry
The most important lesson you've learned in life:: enjoy it bcuz it doesnt last forever...N dont listen to what everybody says, u kno u N they kno SHIT!!!
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My Interests

i like to do wutever keeps me entertained! i hate bein bored so...since i stay here...i usually just end up watchin a movie N goin to dinner...yea i do hit up the club often, i love to dance...work is a big part of my life, of course... but umm...yea...thaz not all but i definately can't think of it so...

I'd like to meet:

i'd love to meet Angelina Jolie...no im not a lesbian but DAMN, she's sexy...i would've liked to meet my grandpa, PaPa Chuz, bcuz everybody tells me he was a great man. RIP PaPa...i would also like to meet all these idiots runnin so many countries. not to congratulate them on their "success" but to let them know of their failures. hmm...im not oo political but i can see the damage they'v done...i'd LOVE to meet Mohammad Ali!!! the GREATEST boxer that ever lived! regardless of his illness he's still the best. Miguel Cotto, im sorry but DAMN i love him...he's so sexy...N his boxing recordz pretty good too...i'd also love to meet the man of my dreams! hehe, corny i kno, but oh so true! one day, one day...hmm, even tho iz hard not to wonder if i already met him...BABE! isn't this funny? i wrote a long ass time ago N look...hahaha...


i love music...4DUB is THE shiiit!!!! lol...good job N mas good luck Moi N Flako with ur music...NEway, i love rNb, rap, reggaeton, salsa, merengue, bachata, not really into punk or pop, so unless my sister plays something i don't listen to it at all. i CANNOT stand no country so...eww...hmm...im a big romantic so i listen to alotta that...love the soulful stuff...


i love scary movies, even tho they don't scare me, love action, comedies, not the stupid ones-the FUNNY ones, i love drama, some romance, documentaries-i like to learn things...don't like sci-fi...AT ALL! sorry, i just don't care for it...they're so stupid N incomprehensible...just my opinion


hehe...my vice...i like CSI, numb3rs (GABO!! haha), family guy-haha-, girlfriends, of course Sex N the City, Oprah!!!-lol, my wife N kids, the George Lopez show, Mind of Mencia, twins, related, Miami Ink N Inked, oh man-sorry to admit-but novelas! haha, im latina tho, it was bound to happen by nature...how do i look too, just bout NE thing on the food network! hehe-i LOVE food!, Desperate Housewives...man i hope thaz never my life...N i can't think of whatelse...i don't really have time for TV...iz so sad...well i guess good bcuz it means i got a life so...


i love to read...i read alotta tru crime, non fiction, things that i can learn from, books on art N/or architecture, books that are inspirational, books that tell a good story while teachin u an even better lesson. oh N poetry...im a romantic, what can i say...


heroes, hmm...i'd have to say annoying at times, but my daddy. he's been thru soooo much with my mama N he's always put me N my sister first. thaz REAL love...my mama bcuz she finally learned N now she's livin for her kids!, Daisy bcuz she's been thru so much N she still manages to smile N stay positive. i admire NEbody that has a dream N achieves it. as long as it doesn't go to their heads...