PrincessCrappy profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

3 simple words to describe me... crappy, crazy and chatty. those who im close wit, know how crazy and crappy i can go.more abt me, u can visit my blog at if nOt, add me at [email protected]. MSN/EC tOO... *but please cLarify urseLf cuZ i sOmetiMes aBit bLurr...*

My Interests

bLOgs, bOOks, muSiCs, iCe cReaMs, cHocs, KRs *biKes*, cHat...

I'd like to meet:

aNyoNe wiLL dO... aNyOne fRieNdLy aNd paTieNt. cAn tOLeraTe mYe cRaZinEss aNd sArCaSm aNd sTubbOrNeSs. aNd oSo mYe cHattiNeSss aNd nOt fOrgeTTinG, mY cRappiNeSs. muaHahahahahaha


sentimental, slow, pop... anything except techno and hardcore... english or malay or even hindi


Pirates of the Carribean, Tuck Everlasting, Ever After, Harry Potter, LOTR, Princess Dairy and more...


Lurlene McDaniel, Meg Cabot or Jenny Carroll, Danielle Steel, Carmen Dokey and more...