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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"The poor respect the artist because it is a noble way of using ones gift to get rich. ... you can never explain to one who uses Gods gift to enslave that you've use Gods gift to be free."




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"Because of their courage, their lack of fear, they are willing to make silly mistakes. The truly creative person is one who can think crazy; such a person knows full well that of ones' great ideas will prove to be worthless. The creative person is flexible, ONE is able to change as the situation changes, to break habits, to face indecision and changes in conditions without undue stress. One is not threatened by the unexpected as rigid, inflexible people are." - Frank Goble

My Blog

Desire and the Importance of Failing

Desire and the Importance of FailingA window opens.A curtain pulls back.The lamps of lovers connect,not at their ceramic bases,but in their lightedness.No lover wants union with the Beloved without th...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:08:00 GMT