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MY WIFE, Prophet Paul Cain, Archbishop Veron Ashe, Jan & Paul Crouch, Roberts Liardon, Russell Simmons, Rev.Run, The Saltan of Brunei, The President of the United States of America, Ben Affleck, Apostle David Swan, Rob & Big, Ozzy & Sharon Osbourn, The next King of Great Britain (Princess Diana's Son) David Lettermen, Mel Gibson, Jack Nickelson, Pastor Rod Parsley, Sade, Tina Turner, Prince, Pastor Benny Hinn, Pastor Charles Stanley, Prophet Kim ClementMY ARE: Timothy Westbrook, Apostle Brett Watson, Prophetess Monya, Apostle Marilyn Parmelee, Apostle Gabriel Cross, Prophet Andre Louw, Emerging Prophets Benjamin Moreno, and Carlo De Silva