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I am here for Dating

About Me

hi im a gurl that likes to joke and try new things thats why i signed up id love to go sumwere for the summer and work sumwere nice and sunny. id like to go travelling at some stage maybe sumwere hot and sunny ive bein to spain france and the canaries and loved iti love dance music mostly but id listen to pop and othere music like mariah carey celine dion and i love rihanna and gwen stefani but not rock i hate that and heavy metal its so annoying like. i loke walking and goin to the gym to keep fit wen im in the humour ha ha but id drink aswell not all the time, try not to anyway ha ha if i was goin to read anything it wud b an autobiography or real life stories i hate fiction my fav foods wud be yogurts and cereal bars im addicted lol i love chocolate aswell especially cornettos and wine gums and jelly babies but i try not to eat much junk food (have to watch the love handles)loli try not to eat much rubbish but i do break out every now and again lol

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