My Blog
Sigma Alpha!
Hey everyone!... so, the sorority that I am in, Sigma Alpha, is doing this fundraiser through surveys... it's really easy and everyone knows tons of people do surveys... all the time... so if yo...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:53:00 GMT
so... everyone who reads this... pray for everyone who has to take the stupid FCAT on Tuesday.... that is such a dumb test... and i hate what it does to people when they can't pass it... and it's just...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 17:49:00 GMT
so... it is interesting to see how people react to what other people do... or choices they make... i personally think everyone should be put in a situation where they need to morally realize what is...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 18:17:00 GMT
hey.. so... my b-day is in 2 weeks... kinda exciting... although... nothin's prolly gonna change... it's kinda wishful thinking, i guess... i dunno. we'll see in 2 weeks, i guess...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 17:36:00 GMT
shooting stars...
sooo... i saw a shooting star today while i was driving home from work... i love seeing those, and i really don't see them that often. the last time i saw one, i was at laura's house waiting out...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:47:00 GMT
Well... it's that time of year, kids... where people eat tons and tons of food: turkey, cranberry sauce, rolls, sweet potato pudding, dressing, homemade mashed potatoes, cranberry relish, stuffed cele...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 17:13:00 GMT
oy vey... fer real...
so... I find this insanely surreal... and... I can't even fathom it....
Posted by on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:52:00 GMT
I am officially in a blah mood right now.... nothin's really going on... don't really have anything to write about besides my blah-mood.
See... so blah.... I'm stuck. Nothing to say... I mean......
Posted by on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 13:18:00 GMT
i like it...
I have in my hands two boxes, Which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, And all your joy's in the gold." I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,Both my joys and sor...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:23:00 GMT
it's weird finding people's myspace's and seeing what people are up to... like old best friends.... aka.. ASHLEY.... and just thinking back of all the memories you have with that person and how you ki...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 13:24:00 GMT